02: Terms And Conditions

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"We are well aware of your financial troubles, Lee Dong Min-ssi."
He scans the middle-aged lady,
Kim Sang hee, Kim Seok Jin and Kim Sage's mother. She was a beauty queen in her prime years and was then  married with a magnate, Kim Seok Won.

Dong Min does not move, still looking at the contract in his hands, his chest heaves a loud sigh.

"I heard you've never developed any feelings towards anyone in your whole life, you're practically a--saint."
The woman laughs.
That was a lie.
Dong Min definitely liked someone,
but he couldn't tell her due to lack of confidence before.
"I hope you continue doing that."

Dong Min just sits there,
waiting for the woman speak even more.

"That Contract will seal the deal of you dating my only daughter for 100 days. Why 100 days? If you break up too soon, the media will suspect that your relationship is fake. We don't want that."

Dong Min looks at the right side of the paper.

Terms and Conditions
1. Once the signature was sealed, breach of contract is extremely prohibited.
2. I, (name of the signee) could not touch Kim Sage if it is not needed in the said situation.
3. I accept that I am not affiliated to the Kim family by any means, especially to Kim Sage.
4. Once I sign this contract, I will work diligently and do what I have to do.
5. After the 100 day contract is done, I accept that I have nothing to do with the Kim family anymore. Specifically to Kim Sage.
6. I accept that I will and should never develop any feelings towards Kim Sage.
7. This contract should never be disclosed to anyone but the contract signee, Kim Sang Hee and Kim Sage.

"I know you are a man of honor and intelligence, I hope you keep every terms and conditions into your mind every time. Especially the fifth and sixth conditions."
Sang hee says.

"I will accept all this and whatever you say, Mrs. Kim. But please keep it mind that,"

Dong Min looks directly into her eyes and his next words made the woman laugh very hard.

"If Kim Sage breaches the contract herself and develops any kinds of affiliation towards me, you should sue her. Not me."

Mrs. Kim laughs,

"Young man, please don't get ahead of yourself. Our Sage is engaged, her fiancé is just away for a while. If you ever think that a CEO like her will like a lowly man like you that will do anything for money, shame on you."

"Yes! That's it! Let's wrap up! The shoot for the day is done!"

Eun woo takes his suit off and takes his jacket on. He looks at the time, it's almost 4:30 PM, Sage will go out at 5 PM. He has to be there to pick her up.

"I'll pay you three times more than my parents offered, just burn that contract and pretend this had never happened."
Eun Woo chuckles bitterly,
she was just like her mother.
Thinking she could buy everything with money.

"Lee Dong Min-ssi."
A man in black suit appears in his dressing room's door.


"I am Alex. Lady Sang Hee's personal body guard, I will be guarding you and Young Lady Sage from now on. You have to pick up the Young Lady at 5 PM today and make sure the press sees you together walking out of the KPulse main building. Your car is parked at the south parking so that the both of you will take a long walk from here."

Alex says.

"I understand."

From the moment Dong Min got out of his dressing room, he already saw some paparazzis waiting in outside.
Sage's mother must have tipped these people already.

He sighs.
His work as a model made him tired but starting another work as a hired boyfriend makes him even more exhausted.

"I'm going."
It's almost 6 PM and everyone in Sage's office are still there.
Sage doesn't even wanted to go home since she knew it was Dong Min's first day as her 'Hired Boyfriend'.

"At last!"
Every one sighed in relief as Sage stood up to pick her things up.

"Hey,Yeongha. Do you want to go out for some drinks?"
She asks her younger cousin that glared at her immediately.

"Do you think I still have the energy to go out with you? Give me a break, Eonnie!"
She complains.

"Hey! How dare you speak to me like that! I am the CEO-- HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"
Yeongha leaves the room.
Sage knew it was Wednesday and is the only day that Yeongha could have dinner with her family but she still made her run late.
She was pissed as hell.

"that damn brat. How about you, Ginger? Do you have plans tonight?"
She asks Ginger hopefully.

"Miss CEO, Aren't you dead tired about people talking about you being a lesbian? How could you ask me out when you knew paparazzis will come and get us wherever we go?"

"Are you lecturing me?"
Ginger bows and leaves with her staff.

Sage sighs.

She looks at her phone and sees the time.

It's 6:05 PM.

"He must've left, right?"
She asks herself.
Referring to Dong Min.

She then grabs her purse and goes at the restroom of her office.

"How could this expensive make up melt in my face just like that?"

She then removes the make up and does a new one.

"Those fucking paparazzis should never see me ugly like this, damn it."
She then smiles at the mirror and leaves the restroom.

She is certain that Dong Min had already left the company and the thought alone makes her smile.

If he misses the first day of his work, her mother will never forgive him and fire him right away.

She laughs as she opens the door of her office.

"You'll give me thrice the amount your mother gave me? I doubt you can do that."

"He was fucking unbelievable, does he think that I don't have much money? I could even practically buy him and sell him again."
She laughs.
That's right, selling him after buying him is a good idea. Afterall, she could never be cool with him.

He's just way too cold for her liking.

"Who are you going to sell, girlfriend?"

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