14: Strong Foundation

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thank you really, Wolflover_26❤️❤️

At exactly 4 PM, she arrived at the place Eun Woo planned to have dinner at.
She wipes her tears, look at the mirror one last time and smiled.

"Just be cool about it, don't ever cry in Eun Woo's face, alright?"
But a tear slipped,
"Damn! Sage! Listen to me!"
She managed to get out of her car with a smile.

There were no one in the resort,
Eun Woo must've reserved it for the two of them.

"Sage! Kim Sage!"
Eun Woo waves his hands playfully as Sage walks up to him.

Sage looks at him and smiles, too.
But her chest feels tight.
Things can't stop running on her mind.
She had been enduring bullets since she was a child just to be where she is right now, why is it that her hardships are being put to waste like this?

"Hi, Cha Eun Woo."
Sage says as she take a seat on the chair that Eun Woo just pulled for her.

"Why aren't you taking a seat?"
Eun Woo stands before her and is not moving, he just stares at her as if he's waiting for something.

Eun Woo whispers.
"Didn't you miss me?"
He then kneels before her and hugs her.

Sage couldn't help but to sob in agony already.
He remembered her safe word.

"I told you we're in this together, why do you keep on taking your mask on when you're with me?"
He says softly as he pat her back.

"I'm sorry, Sage. I don't really understand what's happening but I'm really sorry."


"How could you not remember what those people said in the meeting?"
Mr. Song, Kang's father, says in disappointment.

Kang looks at him and chuckles.
"The last time I checked, you sent me to Australia to study Journalism. How could you expect me to know a thing about this business?"

"What did Sage studied? Fashion Designing, right? How did you think she managed to become the CEO despite of studying in a different area? BECAUSE SHE WAS COMPETENT!"
His father argues.

"I don't even want to be the CEO of this company! Why do you keep on pushing me?"
Kang fights back.

"Then who should I trust in this field? Angel? Angel and I does the dirty work for you already. Just shut up and do the rest of the work for our family."

Kang's brows squint in confusion.
"What are you talking about? Dirty Work?"

His father shots him one last glare and leaves the room.

"This place is like, two hours away from the city. How could you let me drive alone?"
Sage pouts, Eun Woo laughs.

He looks at the now deep orange reflection of the sun in the sea.

"But didn't you like this stuff? Soju, the sunset, the beach and me?"

Sage laughs as she looks at Eun Woo.

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