10: Cold Wind

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"Let's talk this out, okay? Sage, I will explain--"
She runs away from him as she cries.

They all lied to her.
Those who lie to you does not care about your feelings, they just care about themselves.

Liars are filthy selfish people...

and Sage hates them so much.

She starts the car and throws Eun Woo's things out of it.


and she goes off.

Eun Woo sighs and runs back to his grandmother's warehouse.
He finds the motorcycle bike that his late grandfather used to ride and rides it.

No matter what happens, he needs to protect Sage.

"I did not fucking do anything wrong. Why should I hide there like a criminal?"
She says and tightens the grip on the car's steering wheel.
She steps on the gas and drives off recklessly.

Eun Woo was just at her back but could not properly keep his pace with her car. His grandpa's motorbike could not run so fast so he couldn't do anything.

He cusses as he watch her car leave his sight.

"Young Lady, why are you--"
Her house's guard asks but she pushed the car horn hard, making a loud noise on her gate.

"Open the gate or I'll fucking bust it open?"

The guard opens the gate and she abruptly enters her car inside.

"Now close it and don't let anyone in."
The guard nodded.

Sage sighs as she remember that her house key is in her bag that Eun Woo kept from her since yesterday.

"Do you have my spare key?"
The guard nods no,

"Did you lost your key somewhere, Young Lady?"

She glares at the guard and snarls,
"Do I look that old to be losing things already? I didn't lost it. Some scum took it from me."

"Alright. I'll just open your door for you."
The guard enters the code that he only knows, Sage asked him to make a code if ever things like this happens or when she goes home drunk.

Eun Woo grabs her arms,
Sage reacts and twists his arms.

"Who do you think you are to touch me?"

Is it just Eun Woo's imagination, or her eyes looked really darker for a second?

Sage recognizes him and lets go of his arms but grabs him again in his back.

"Who do you think you are to enter my place and touch me? You're fucking disgusting. I told you to stay away from me."

She pushes him out of the gate and was about to leave but he says something,

"I'm sorry, okay? We're just concerned about you so we didn't told you."

Sage looks back and laughs.

"Concerned? You sold me for 10 Billion Won, Mr. Lee. You fucking lied to me, so don't ever expect I'll believe a thing that will come out from your mouth from now on. Leave. You've breached the contract by touching me."

"She looked like a completely different person."
Eun Woo says and drinks a shot of soju.
After that cold confrontation with Sage, he went to Seokjin's place to tell him what happened.

"Do you want to know why she's like that?"
Jin says, he felt bad to Eun Woo. He sent back all the money he wired to him and told him not to do things anymore.

"I always felt like she's a distant person. Like she was hiding something behind those smile of hers."

"She was almost raped by her ex-Fiancé's uncle when she was sixteen."
Jin sighs. This was a sensitive topic and his family never talked about it to anyone before, but he felt like Sage's boyfriend has the right to know it anyway.
"She was young and frail, she did not know what to do. Thankfully, Kang saved her. Maybe that's why she grew fond of that guy and liked the idea of marrying him someday."

Eun Woo looks at the floor. Sage has a lot of things on her back.

"When she was twenty, Kang asked her to marry him already but she refused. She barely finished college and still in her second year, she had dreams. Maybe Kang hated the way she rejected him and flew away. They drifted apart and eventually broke up."

Eun Woo couldn't say a word.

"She had a post traumatic stress disorder for a year and could not even talk to anyone. She cries whenever she meet men's eyes, even with me or Dad. But Kang is an exception. She would talk to him whenever he visits her, she was happy."

Jin continues.
"Mom saw her improvements and thought of making him her Fiancé. His family couldn't say no, they were deeply indebted to my family. Mom even made them more indebted to us by filing a lawsuit to Kang's uncle and making them pay. Kang's uncle couldn't carry the weight anymore that time, so he killed himself while in the jail."

"Those fucking rotten paparazzis."
Sage cusses.
She has a lot of alcohol in her fridge but there's no food cause she usually does not eat at home.
"Fuck it, what will I even do if zombie apocalypse suddenly emerge? I don't even have any damn food to eat."

"I can call my wife to make you food, Young Lady."
Her house guard, Mr. Park offers.
He left his guard house at the gate and entered Sage's house as per her permission.

"Forget it, I only called you here to dismiss you. You should go home. Those people will not go anywhere unless I confront them. Go rest until I tell you to come back, okay?"

Mr. Park looks at her.
He had been guarding her house since she was eighteen, but the girl did not even changed once.
She never asked for his help.

"Okay, Young Lady. But here, this is my packed dinner for the night. Take it if you feel hungry."
He says.

"Just go! Those paparazzis will double their number at night. I will not be needing to pay a guard like you when I have tons of them outside."
She says.

"Be strong, Young Lady Kim. Call me if you need me."

Just after that, Mr. Park left the house.
Sage sighs.

"What kind of childish bitch would kill someone for their lover?"
She sighs and looks up to her fancy chandeliers.

"He's not even my lover."

She then hears different rumbling sounds at the third floor where her veranda was.

"Don't fucking tell me those paparazzis climbed off my house! I'll seriously kill a person this time!"

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