18: Something That I Should Say, But Couldn't

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Song Kang👆👆
"I should buy this book."
Sage is strolling on a nearby mall and goes by the bookstore. She haven't been in one for a while. The last time she had the chance to go to a bookstore was like four years ago, when she was studying fashion in Milan for 2 months.

Something That I should Say, But Couldn't.
Written by: S.K

A book of some sort of unrequited love, but not really.

"What the hell is this title page."
But she still bought it tho it seemed really strange to her.
Strange but the words seemed so familiar yet distant.
Just enough to make her curious and buy the 10 chapter series book.

She opens her door, only to be welcomed by an unfamiliar scent of food in her kitchen area.

Wait, did she just smelled food?

"You're here!"
Chase says as he nudge Eun Woo away from the table.

Judging by the looks of it,
It's like they are having a cook-off.

"Are you fucking filming a cooking show in my small apartment?"
She says, boredom visible in her eyes.

"You haven't eaten anything yet."
Eun Woo says silently as an unfamiliar awkwardness fill his face.

"Ah, I totally forget about eating."
Sage admits.

"But you have all this liquor in your refrigerator? Come here and eat."
Chase says.
Eun Woo shots him a glare as he pulls the chair for Sage.

"But seriously, how did the both of you get inside here today? I don't have spare keys."
She says as she eyes the food the two of them made.

"You seriously don't remember?"
Chase asks unbelievably.

"After what you did to me?"
Eun Woo whispers,

"Excuse me, did you just say something? Eun Woo?"
Sage asks.

"No. I didn't."

Sage shrugs it off and started eating.

"I took you home, and a douche that thinks like he's your husband on waiting is here already when we came home."
Chase sarcastically says.

"I told you, I'm her boyfriend. We're in a relationship."
Eun Woo snaps,

"Then why did you let her go home with me?"
Chase grins.

"You saw me inside her house already, you should have left after taking her home. I could take care of her on my own!"
Eun Woo seriously fights back.

"How could I trust her safety to you? Mr. Boyfriend?"
Chase snarls.

"She's safe with me, if ever, I am the one that's not safe with her when she's drunk but that's totally fine!"

Sage eyes widens with what Eun Woo just said.

"You're not safe with me? What the hell are you spewing about?"
She angrily asks.

He pulls his shirt to make them look at his neck,
Chase and Sage's jaws dropped at his actions.
What kind of man will be proud with a hickey?

"Hey! What's that?"
Chase asks.

"Are you cheating on me? Damn it. Leave my place, now!"
Sage pulls his shirt from the other side of the table.

Eun Woo chuckles and looks at her playfully,

"Babe, you did this to me. You even said that I taste delicious."

Sage eyes widens as she get a hold of the memory last night.
She shrieks in annoyance as she push Eun Woo away.

"Fuck it!"
She rans away from them and locks herself inside her room.


Something That I Should Say, but couldn't.
Written by: S.K

It was an unrequited love,
wasn't it?
The only difference is that I am writing this in regret, and you, who used to love me so much bears a new beautiful smile in your face now.
I was young, naive and bold.
Too bold and confident that you will love me no matter what.
But I'm sorry.
If I had hurt you and put you in despair by making you experience an unrequited love.
"I love you, I still do."
The words that I could say,
The words that I should say,
but couldn't.
I love you, and I'm sorry.
The words that I should say, but couldn't.

Sage finishes the prologue and looks away from the book.
Why does she feel like she knew the author all along?

"You published a book? Really, Song Kang?"
His father says in deep anguish as he slam the office door behind his back.

"Why, Dad? It's my money that I spent printing those books. What's so wrong about it?"

Yes, Song Kang is the author of the book Sage just bought.
It is the least thing that he could do to say sorry to her.

"The time you spent doing that could have been spent in something important. You're so disappointing."

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