16: Stylist

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"Why should we hire you?"

Sage raises her eyebrows and giggles a little.

"Why should you hire me? I guess there's a little mistake in your question, Mr. Interviewer. It should be like 'Why shouldn't you hire me', am I wrong?"
She says confidently.

"Do you think this interview is a joke, Miss Kim?"

"Fuck it."
She cusses.
"Ah nevermind, that job is too small for me."

She rides the bus and plans to go to Eun Woo. His 1 week leave was cancelled yesterday due to Moon Bin's problem. He had to fill in at a entertainment show for him for Moon Bin cannot go without a stylist.

"Isn't the fare too high?"
She stands at the back of the bus as she look at her watch.

It's already 1 PM and she haven't eaten anything yet.
She laughs as she realise how she used to skip meals before to lose weight. Now she's not even trying to lose weight but she skip meals just to save money.

"Excuse me, I came for Cha Eun Woo."
She tells the guard at the lobby.

"Miss Sage Kim?"
the female guard asks.
She nods her head.

"He is in the photo studio, they were doing a photo shoot for their album. He told me to tell you the directions."

Sage nods as she tell her the directions.

"Thank you."

Why didn't she bought this agency when she had the money and opportunity?
That way she'll really own Eun Woo more.

She laughs at the thought and stops at a door where loud music plays.

The door opens and a young man goes out from it.
It's San Ha.

"Damn, you're fucking taller in person."
Sage says that surprised the youngest member of Astro.

"Excuse me?"
San Ha asks slyly.

"Ah. Sorry for that, young boy. I am looking for Eun Woo."
San Ha's eyes widens as he covers his mouth.

"You're the girl in his-- Eun Woo hyung!"
he then slams the door in her face and goes back in.

"Thank you for slamming the door right in front of my beautiful face, San Ha-ssi."

After like a minute, Eun Woo comes out of the room and smiles at her.

"You look normal."
Eun Woo teases.
Sage wears an orange top and white suit that is paired with white pants and white flat shoes.
She does not wear any designer thing today except for her watch.

"I have to look average, you know. I came from a job interview."
She says.

"So how did it went?"
Eun Woo asks.

"They can't recruit me. They can't handle to have another CEO so-- hey! won't you let me come inside? That San Ha kid left me here like I am the most scary creature he'd seen."
She rolls her eyes.

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