20: Attraction

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"I should get over this."
Sage flips the book she bought days ago in her hand.
She haven't red the first chapter, yet. All because she feels anxious to do so.

Chapter 1:
I say. I think you did not hear me, so you kept on walking away from me.
So I ran after you.
I was right.
You did not hear me.
From the very first time I saw you.
I knew we will never have the chance to hear each other's hearts.
"I've been calling you for a while now. Why aren't you answering?"
You look at me.
You're so beautiful.
Just why did I never had the chance to talk to you before?
Why do I have to muster up my courage to talk to you for four long years?

"Oh. Are you talking to me? I thought you were referring to another person."

No. Sei Ji. I have been always looking at you. Only you.

"Sei Ji? What a lame name!"

"No, don't you know who I am?"
I ask.
Hoping you knew who I was like how I know everything about you.

"You're Xian Song."
Beautiful. The way you said my name that day was so beautiful.

"What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Is he obsessed with Sei Ji?"

"Hey! Have you been waiting for a long time?"
She was about to answer when she realizes who she is meeting right now.

It's Eun Woo.
She stood there, closing her book hastily as her legs wobble a little.

"Why aren't you talking?"
Eun Woo gets closer to her and the only thing she could feel right now is nervousness.

And a fucking attraction.

Memories of last night came rushing back to her.
On how Eun Woo kissed her like it was no biggie.
Fuck it.
She never had felt so intimidated in her whole life before.
And it sucks.

"You haven't been visiting me for a while, so I came to visit you."
Ara, Song Kang's OCD Doctor said as she take a sip on her coffee.
"Nice office by the way."

Kang looks away.
"It wasn't mine to begin with."

"Have you been taking your anti-depressants?"
She asks.

He answers.
"What's the point? Being obsessive is in my blood. It can't be cured."
He says.

"It could be lessened, tho. You were doing great back then. You just stoppe--"

"But it couldn't be treated. You know that more that I do, Ara."
Kang says as he make eye contact with his doctor.
"I already gave up to myself. You cannot do anything about that already."


Chase smiles as he take a seat beside Cassandra's urn.
Her monument looks so neat, yet it does not feel like it's peaceful at all.
"I met Sage. She wasn't the reason why you died, right?"
He asks her little sister, as if it still can answer him.

"Oppa is sorry, Oppa is still sorry."
Tears starting flowing down his face as he recall how he neglect his duties of being her brother just to work hours and hours a day to earn money.

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