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Queen is about to finish, one or two more parts left.

           ★ 𝐙𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 ★

-A few Months Later-

Claira agreed to meet my family, it was almost Christmas.. I want her to spend time with me and my family even though she said she is going to go home Christmas Day to spend time with her own family, which I am fine with.

"I can't believe I am going to meet a cop" Claira mumbled, I laugh and pat her back.

I told my parents I want them to meet a friend, though when we get there I am going to tell them about me liking girls and Claira being my girlfriend, it's going to be a crazy few days.


I knock on my mom door, it opened after a few seconds.

"Anna!" Mom pulled me into a hug, I hug my mother back.

"Mom this is Claira" I said, Claira holds a hand out but my mom pulled her into a hug and let us in the house. Dad was here.

My parents never left each other on a bad note, they are actually good friends now even though they are dating other people. "Hi dad" I said, hugging him. He hugs me back and then shakes hands with Claira.

I made my parents sit down because I wanted to tell them my secret.

"You scaring me" Mom said, I laugh lightly.

"It's not that scary" I told her.

"Are you pregnant?" Mom asks, I bite my lip.

"Technically as of right now, I can't really get pregnant" I reply, they both looked at me confused. I sigh. "Well uh, I might kind of... like girls"

"You like girls?" Dad asks, I nod and grab onto Claira hand.

"Uh Claira is my girlfriend, we been dating for a few months now... I didn't want to tell y'all on the phone-" I got cut off by a squeal from my mom, she jumps off the couch and pulled me into a hug.

"Sweetie what ever makes you happy, we are just so glad you finally found someone and figured yourself out" Mom says, I smile.

"How do you feel about this dad?" I ask nervously, he got up with a blank face.

He stares at me.

"As long as you happy, I don't care" dad Said breaking the blank face and smiled, I went to hug him.

"Welcome to the family Claira!" Mom shouted pulling her into a hug again, I giggle.

After all of that, my parents ask a lot of questions and Claira been honest. She just skipped over the part that she is a gang leader, I mean I would too if there's a cop in front of me.

"You seem like a lovely girl Claira, seriously welcome to the family"

Claira smiled.

How many best days am I going to have?




Chapter 18



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