Chapter 2 - Namjoon

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Three years ago

He put his beanie on and decided to leave the dorm. As he was leaving, Jungkook's persona appeared in front of him. He was wearing jeans and a white shirt. His hair was recently dyed to a reddish-blonde color. He approached Namjoon with a smile.

"Hyung, do you like my hair?" He asked Namjoon pointing to his hair. Jungkook was worried his hyung would not like his hair.

"Jungkookie, you look great." Namjoon said, approaching him and patting his head, while playing with his hair. Jungkook did a little dance.

"Yay." Jungkook said. He left the other way. Namjoon smiled a little, the maknae always found ways to make him smile. Namjoon put his mask on and exited the dorm, hopping on his black car. The driver was inside.

"Usual place?" The driver asked him. Namjoon nodded. He took his mask off and watched the world outside through the window. As he left the city of Seoul behind, he welcomed the peaceful change of scenery. He closed his eyes and imagined how it felt to be at peace, without flashing cameras and busy schedules. His life prior to the idol life. He loved it. He loved the adrenaline, the fans, the music, and most importantly he loved doing what he loved, but that came with a price, and up to this day, he was still getting used to it.

He missed his quieter times, where he could just fade into the background and just walk around, with just a book on his hand and sit anywhere he wanted to read it. Sadly, those times were past him. The only place he could do it, was in the small town his family lived, Chungju, an hour and a half away from Seoul. The small town he would visit every weekend when his schedule allowed it. This weekend was no exception. It was early on a Saturday morning, and he decided to go and visit his uncle and his cousin, people he was close to. The small town, while everyone knew everyone, and he was known in the small town, people also knew, he went there to escape, and that gave him something to look forward to. A place where he was just Namjoon, and not RM from BTS. A place where he could just walk around freely without any worries. Now that BTS was gaining global recognition and that their schedules were becoming more and more busy, he was very happy and appreciative of the little free time he had from time to time. He gave a sigh and his mind slowly drifted off, falling asleep.


He was awoken by his phone vibrating. He opened his eyes and looked around, they still had a while to go. He got his phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen. It was a call from Taehyung.

"Hello?" Namjoon said, answering.

"Hyung..." Taehyung started to say. "Where are you?" He asked Namjoon.

"I'm out. I left about an hour ago and I won't be back soon, why?" Namjoon asked Taehyung.

"I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me and Jimin." He said. "But it's okay. Enjoy your free day." Taehyung said.

"Don't get in any trouble." Namjoon warned him in a stern voice.

"Don't worry hyung, we won't." Taehyung said and hanged up. Namjoon passed a hand through his face and sighed.

"Sir, we are almost there." The driver told Namjoon. Namjoon nodded.

Namjoon looked out the window and saw the green scenery that was peculiar about the town. He sighed. He felt at home. Away from the concrete jungle that was Seoul. He saw the river that was unique about the town, and he saw a little boat and a man standing on it. He smiled to himself. He almost felt like he belonged. He closed his eyes for a brief second. A couple of minutes later, the car came to a full stop.

"We are here." The driver said. Namjoon opened his eyes and the car was parked in front of the bookstore his uncle owned. He put his mask on.

"Thanks. You can go and do whatever it is that do you do while I'm here." Namjoon said to the driver.

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