Chapter 25 - Namjoon

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Two months later...

"It feels so good to be back home." Hobi said as he set his bag down at the dorm.

Namjoon smiled and went to his room. He decided to not to take his luggage out of the car because he had a surprise for Ana, and that required an overnight bag. He grabbed the box he shipped overseas with the gifts he got Ana and left his room.

"Tell noona I say hi." Jungkook said as he saw him pass by.

"I will." Namjoon said and left the dorm. Somehow, without saying a word, they all knew where he was going.

It was a little past 7pm, in the middle of April. He hugged his jacket closer to him. They just came back from promoting the new comeback. It was successful and a couple of days after its release, the news of him and Ana died down. He was grateful for it. He did sit down with Big Hit and told them he wanted to keep it as private as possible, in order to protect Ana. For Namjoon, Ana's safety was his priority. He was the idol, he was the one on the spotlight, not her. As he settled himself in the back of his SUV, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing his favorite person. On their latest calls for the last two weeks, he noticed Ana was in a different mood. A bit gloomier, he would even take a guess and thought she was depressed, as if she had a lot in her mind. He assumed it was because she missed him and because of the stress of finals at her school. So, he planned a weekend getaway for him and her. He rented a cabin in the countryside, and they were going to spend five days in it. Just him and her. He even told Big Hit he was going off the radar for those five days. No calls, no emails, no messages. Just his undivided attention on Ana.

"It's the cabin ready?" He asked on the phone to their manager.

"Yes. I know you said you wanted to go grocery shopping with Ana, so we left that to you." His manager said on the other side of the line. "There is a supermarket near the house." He said. "And we checked everything around. It's mostly elderly people the ones that live around. And your closest neighbor is five acres away." He said.

"Okay good." Namjoon said.

"We will keep the guards close though." His manager said. Namjoon sighed. He guessed that was the price of it.

"Fine." Namjoon said. He hanged up his call and leaned his head against the window.

"Wake me up when we arrive." Namjoon said to the driver.

"No problem." His driver said and Namjoon drifted off. He opened his eyes a while later and saw the familiar countryside of Chungju. "We are almost there." His driver said. Namjoon nodded.

'I'm back.' He texted Ana.

'I'm glad you made it safe to South Korea.' She responded. 'I can't wait to see your face!' She replied after. He smiled to himself. She had no idea how close she was to see his face again. He arrived to the familiar street where his uncle bookstore was located.

Just a couple more blocks. He thought to himself.

"Park on the other side of the road." Namjoon told the driver. The driver nodded. Namjoon knew her window overlooked the street. She was going to have a clear view of where he was. The driver parked and he got out of the car and leaned his back on the SUV. The lights in her apartment were on, so he knew she was up. She had hanged some blue Christmas lights on her window. He got his phone out and dialed her number. She picked up almost instantly.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey you." He replied.

"How was the flight?" She asked him.

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