Chapter 32 - Ana

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It was an article. It was an article about her.

The title read:

Who is RM's girlfriend?

She skim-read through the article as Namjoon did, it was an article about her and her life. They even exposed her past and the accident where her parents died.

"How do they know about this?" Ana said, her voice breaking. Her whole world came crashing down. "How did they find this stuff?" She said, taking a step back. Namjoon reached for her. She flinched away.

"Ana..." He said reaching for her again but she flinched and took a step back. "Ana, please don't do this." Namjoon said, his voice breaking. She had to remind herself he wasn't at fault here. He reached for her one more time. This time she didn't flinch away. She let him hold her. "Who posted that?" He asked furious, holding her. She didn't felt anything. She didn't feel like crying. She felt numb. Like that night when she had the miscarriage.

"We don't know. It's an American website." Jimin said. She wriggled away from his hold. She walked away.

"Ana..." She heard Namjoon say behind her. She walked to the bathroom and locked the door. She heard knocking and Namjoon calling for her. "Ana, please don't close yourself. Talk to me." She put her back to the door and sank down, burying her face. The first tear fell off. She started to silently cry. "Ana, baby please." Namjoon pleaded. He knew she was crying. She could feel his desperation. She was crying out of frustration, out of anger. How could her life be out there in the open like that? She was not the famous person in the relation. She was just a simple girl. Why would anyone want to do that to her, a nobody? "I'm going to stay here until you feel like coming out of there." Namjoon said. "I'm not leaving you. You will always have me." She heard him say.

"Noona..." She heard Jungkook say. "Please come out." He pleaded. He sounded heartbroken, and that broke her heart. She wanted to be alone, she wanted to be able to clear her mind and decided what she wanted to do.

"Let her be. She needs time." She heard Jin say. "Her whole life was just exposed out there. Even I didn't know half of the stuff that was in the article." He said. "The best we can do is wait for her to come out when she feels like it. Right now, the bathroom is her safe space." He said. "Let's just wait."

"Who would post something like this?" Jungkook asked. "Who knows so much about her..." He started to say but shut up mid-sentence. "Cristina." He said.

"Cristina wouldn't do this to Ana. Ana is like her sister." Jimin said.

"We don't know that, and quite frankly we don't know her that much." Jungkook said.

"Jungkook it wasn't Cristina." Jimin said.

"How can you be so sure? Did she tell you?" Jungkook asked rhetorically.

"Jungkook..." Jimin started to say but got interrupted.

"Enough!" Ana said opening the door. "I have enough slander, I won't let any of you slander my best friend too." She said walking past them.

"Ana." Namjoon said following her. She walked to the front door and put her shoes on. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"I need fresh air, I need to clear my head, I need space, silence, peace. And I can't do that with all of you fighting in the background." She said putting her mask on.

"I'm..." Namjoon started to say but she interrupted him.

"Don't follow me." She said, walking out and slamming the door. She took the stairs instead of the elevator. She went up to the rooftop. She walked to the rail and looked down at the city. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. The warm summer breeze hugging her. It wasn't long until someone came looking for her. She heard the door open. "Namjoon, I said..." She started to say but stopped when she saw who it was.

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