Chapter 21 - Cristina

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"Ready?" Ana asked her. Cristina nodded and followed her. To say she wasn't nervous would be lying. She stopped walking and Ana looked back at her. "What's wrong?" Ana asked her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I overreacted." Cristina said, looking at her. Ana shook her head.

"It's okay. You didn't overreact." Ana said, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze.

"What is going to happen?" Cristina asked her.

"We'll sit down and first you have to sign the NDA, which someone will bring down for you to sign. Then you can ask all the questions you want." Ana responded, walking. She stopped and looked at her. "Ready?" She asked. Cristina nodded. All the way to the table, Ana didn't let go of her hand. They arrived at a private area and Ana opened a door. She let Cristina in first and then went inside. When Cristina entered, she saw on the table, the one and only, Kim Namjoon. She froze. She didn't know how to react. Seeing him in videos was one thing but seeing him sitting in front of her was another.

"Hi." He said, standing up and walking to them, extending his hand. She just stood there. Awkwardly. It wasn't until Ana nudged her that she reacted.

"What?" She asked him, clueless.

"I said hi." He said, smiling at her. She looked down and saw his hand extended. She shook it.

"Hi." She said, shyly.

"Please." Namjoon said, gesturing for her to sit down. She sat down and Ana sat down beside her, Namjoon sitting to Ana's left. "So, I believe Ana gave you a roundabout of how it goes right?" He asked her. She nodded. "Ok good. He is coming down with the NDA for you to sign and to answer any of your questions." He said to her. Cristina nodded. Someone came in and walked inside the room. It was a man, in his mid-forties, maybe early fifties. He had a manila folder in his hands. Namjoon said something in Korean that she didn't understand. The man looked at Ana and they exchanged words.

"You must be Cristina?" The man said turning to her.

"Yes." She said.

"Good. So here it is your NDA." He said, opening the manila folder and getting a stack of papers out. "You can read through it and let me know if you have any questions." He told her. She grabbed the stack of papers and looked at Ana.

"It's okay. I had a million questions. It's okay. He answered each and every one of them." Ana said reassuringly. Cristina nodded. She flipped through the pages.

"Any questions?" The man asked her after she was done reading. She looked up.

"Yes. I'm somewhat a socialite here in NYC, does it mean I have to put my social media accounts private?" She asked.

"No, but just keep your meetings and interactions with BTS to yourself." He said.

"Same with public outings?" She asked. The man nodded.

"Just cover your face." He said. She nodded. The man handed her a pen. "Whenever you're ready." He said. She nodded. She flipped through all the post-it flags and signed and initialed when it was needed. She reached the last page and signed one last time. She looked back at Ana, and she was looking back at her. She was smiling. Cristina felt relief. She looked back at the stack of papers in front of her and slid them across the table to the man. "All done. Enjoy your dinner." The man said, standing up and leaving.

"Ask your questions, I know you are dying." Ana said to her. Cristina shrieked.

"Where is he?" She asked.

"He is out." Ana said, knowing her too well. Someone came in and took their order.

"So, he was book guy?" Cristina asked.

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