Chapter 8: Meow.....

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After a long year of travelling & promoting, as well as shooting back-to-back music videos, the Now United members were finally allowed to spend the year end holidays & the first few weeks of January 2019 at home. So Hafiz decided to spend much needed quality time with Krystian & his parents in Beijing, much to his little ones' chagrin & frustration. Over time, Hafiz grew to love Beijing for its culture, art and food though he'd still steer clear of all the non-halal dishes which Krystian thankfully understood. Their first official Christmas & New Year's celebration together were both pretty much mundane as they decided to just relax at home, if not heading out for a massage. Still, Hafiz made it a point to give Krystian a passionate kiss at the stroke of midnight marking New Year's Day 2019 before they eventually made love in the latter's bed.

In the following days leading up to Krys's 19th birthday, Hafiz discreetly made a deal with his future in-laws to keep Krystian distracted while he set out on a secret mission: to get a munchkin kitten as a present for his boyfriend, who he knew to be as much of a cat lover as he was. After a few failed attempts, Hafiz finally found one at a pet shelter and on Krys's birthday itself, he convinced Mrs Wang to accompany him while leaving Mr Wang to keep Krys distracted for a little bit more. "At the very least, if neither Nanjun nor myself are around, the kitten won't be scared to let you or Pa take care of it," Hafiz reasoned as the pair reached the pet shelter, where he spotted his new furry friend & called it to come over. "Come over here, Fluffy. We're here to bring you home," he cooed; the kitten meowed before making its way over on its cute short legs. Hafiz gushed at how adorable the kitten was & knew his boyfriend would completely flip out upon seeing his new pet; after putting it in its container carriage with a gift ribbon wrapped onto it, Hafiz & Mrs Wang settled the required paperwork before finally being allowed to bring Fluffy home. "Hafiz, we're supposed to get that cake we ordered for Nanjun's birthday today," Mrs Wang informed Hafiz, who nodded in agreement as he followed her to the cake shop.

Later, upon reaching home, the pair heard the sound of two fans spinning in both Krystian's & the master bedroom. While Mrs Wang quietly placed the chocolate cake in the fridge & Fluffy's carriage closeby, Hafiz went to surprise his boyfriend with a loving kiss. "Happy birthday, my love. Your mum and I have a special surprise for you," Hafiz whispered sweetly while caressing Krys's bubble butt; the latter groaned as he eventually rubbed his eyes and stretched himself for a little bit. "Thank you for the wish, hubby.. I love you.." "Love you too, baby. Come on," Hafiz replied as he carried his lazy boyfriend in his arms, "Close your eyes for a while, baby." Krys raised an eyebrow, but closed his eyes anyway as the couple made their way to the kitchen where Hafiz slowly put his boyfriend down while telling him to open his eyes. When Krys heard a cute little meow, he went wide eyed & freaked out, "YOU GOT ME A KITTEN!? HOW DID YOU KNOW??" "Baby, I know you love cats as much as I do. Remember, during our travels, we'd spend a few minutes playing with random stray cats?" "Yes, hubby, we did. But I didn't say I wanted a kitten for my birthday." "Well, here it is, baby. Fluffy, come on out. It's okay, your new daddy Krystian wants to meet you," said Hafiz as he knelt down to open the carriage door & successfully got the kitten to walk out.

Upon seeing that it was actually a munchkin, Krys screamed as he gushed over his new pet, "HUBBY!!! A MUNCHKIN!? AREN'T THEY SUPPOSED TO BE REALLY EXPENSIVE??" "Well, I had a little help from your mum." Just then, Mr & Mrs Wang entered the kitchen, "Happy birthday, son. We hope you like the surprise." Krys turned around & began crying happy tears as he hugged his parents in gratitude while Hafiz looked on with Fluffy in his arms. The kitten patted on the choreographer's chest, and in response, Hafiz let it grab his index finger to play with. Krys then turned around, with tears still streaming down his face, to look at his lovely boyfriend before uttering, "Hubby.. Thank you so much for all this; you shouldn't have gone through all the trouble though." Hafiz merely smiled as he kissed Krys, "You're my baby vampire, right? I'd do anything to make you happy. I love you so much." Krys smiled & then let Fluffy sniff his hand; the kitten responded well and was eventually handed over to him. "What did you name it?" Krys asked; Hafiz replied, "Fluffy. Given its coat, it's simple yet fitting; it's a girl, if I'm not wrong." Soon afterwards, the cake was brought out of the fridge & the quartet had a fun time sharing it amongst themselves as Hafiz engaged the other members in a mass video call to join in virtually. Sabina greeted "Happy 19th birthday, Krystian. We all miss you! By the way, IS THAT A MUNCHKIN KITTEN IN YOUR ARMS???" Krys smiled & nodded as he let his new pet play with his hand; the girls immediately gushed, "Aaaawwwww, it's so adorable," Sofya cooed. Krys smiled, "Hafiz bought it for me as a surprise birthday present, with a little help from my mum." Josh smiled over the webcam, "I didn't realize how far you'd go to make your boyfriend feel really happy on his special day, man. I salute your efforts." Hafiz blushed a little, "Thanks, everyone. Krys and I miss you all too, though I'm sure we'll be back in the studio soon enough. Haha!" "Well, have fun, guys.. We gotta get going. Bye!"

After ending the virtual call, Hafiz brought Fluffy's carriage and put it in the master bedroom while Krys continued playing with the kitten, "Fluffy, papa loves you so much but sadly, I can't bring you to travel with me all the time; it'd be very difficult for me and your daddy Hafiz to get airport's clearance if we tried bringing you along. While we're abroad, my Ma and Pa will be here to look after you, okay?" Fluffy's response sounded a bit sad, but after having her neck softly massaged, she calmed down. Hafiz came back to see his boyfriend having a conversation with their new pet and smiled naughtily, "Come on, baby. You know what time it is." He then grabbed Krystian by the hand & brought the latter to his bedroom before locking the door, leaving Mr & Mrs Wang to look after and bond with the newest addition to the family.

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