Chapter 21: Adorable As Always

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A few days after Krystian's group's rendition of History by Exo-M drew high praises from Hafiz, the couple had some time off to hang out together while two other groups were being formed to perform History as well. Hafiz had also struck a deal with the show's head honchos that allowed him to take Krystian out on dates after a certain point in the competition, so as a result, the choreographer made use of this time off to treat his fiancé to dinner at a local restaurant in the vicinity of the YWY premises. "Hmm, this one seems promising and they have just the one label I wanted to see: Halal-certified. And this certificate is authentic too. Come on, baby," Hafiz told Krystian as he pulled the latter's hand into the restaurant which served a variety of Asian cuisines as well as Western cuisines. Since it had been a long time since Hafiz last had one of his favorite dishes from back in Singapore, he went right for the Nasi Lemak while Krystian was curious to try out a Halal version of Yong Tau Foo. They even had a large cup of Rose Bandung each to accompany their meals, which they gladly consumed while enjoying each other's quiet company. When it came to desserts, they agreed to share a tub of chocolate ice cream as they weren't technically allowed to have desserts within the premises; they even let out a loud burp or two along the way before laughing at themselves.

"I understand why the producers don't want us indulging in desserts and unhealthy snacks while within the premises, but I just find it a bit weirdly restrictive. Don't you think so too, baby?" Hafiz pondered as he fed his fiancé a spoonful of ice cream, to which the latter replied, "A bit weird, yes, but not necessarily restrictive. They do want us to keep ourselves fit while competing, dancing and such." "Mmhmm, but still, we've accidentally stumbled upon some of the other trainees either top naked, fully nude or bottom naked a few times. I gotta say, they must've had an unspoken agreement to shave their body hair completely," Hafiz nodded & gulped as he pointed out regarding the trainees shaving. Krystian noticed his fiancé's blush & teased him, "Hubby..... You uh... When it comes to shaved armpits, you wanna lick them no matter who they belong to.. Aren't mine already enough?" Hafiz giggled as he shyly nodded, "Of course, my baby vampire. It's just, y'know, my niche fetish kicking into overdrive when I saw they shaved their pits." The couple then laughed it off as they finished their dessert & drinks before splitting the bill between each other. After thanking the service crew for the great food & service, the couple gave a small tip to the waitress as they stood up and pushed the chairs in before leaving the restaurant.

"Whew!! That's the best nasi lemak I've had in ages!! The rose bandung was absolutely delicious too!! Nyummmm... I'd definitely order from this place again and again, if you're up for it," Hafiz remarked, to which Krystian replied, "I'm game, hubby, but I'm not sure if Jun Liu and the others have ever tried Singaporean dishes before or not." "Well, once we get back and see them, we'll ask them about it." "Sounds good, hubby." As it turned out, the majority of the other trainees weren't even aware that such a restaurant existed, causing Hafiz to facepalm & actually cackle, "Oh my god!!! It's literally right next door to this place, and y'all never even knew?! It's Halal-certified, meaning there's no pork or lard, and it has a variety of Asian cuisines, including Singaporean dishes as well as Western cuisine. During non-broadcasting days, y'all should definitely check it out; the food is to die for, trust me!!" Jun Liu then replied, "Okay, okay. In that case, we'll definitely go take a look when we have the time. Thanks, judge Hafiz." "No worries, boys. Now, I believe it's getting late already. Come on, let's all get a good night's sleep cuz tomorrow, it's rehearsal time."

Over the next few days, the trainees worked hard to ensure that their respective choreographies were as close as possible to meeting Hafiz's very high standards. What the choreographer didn't know, however, was that Krystian's group had been given the choreography to a very adorable love song titled Tou Tou. So when the time came for Krystian's group to perform it, Hafiz was not only stunned but ended up gushing all the way at how cute the song felt; he even squealed at some of the accompanying dance moves which he found absolutely adorable. By the time the performance ended, Hafiz was already blushing, to much laughter from the other judges & even Dance Mentor Lisa, as he commented, "Okay... How could I NOT KNOW this song even existed?! Like, seriously!! It sounds like an extremely cute love song, and the accompanying choreography just melted me. Krystian, I've always known you for being such a cute crackhead of a baby vampire, but seeing you dance so adorably like that?! You made me shy when you did that hugging gesture!! Adorable as always!! Absolutely loved it!!! Your previous performances showed your fierce and sexy sides, but this one just takes the cake.. Too adorable not to give a Grade A for, there I said it. Grade A!! Well done, fellas!! By the way, Jun Liu or should I say JL, thank you for including my baby vampire Krystian on your team once again. I hope you stay close friends forever, and I now officially invite you to my future wedding as a VIP guest." Jun Liu was blown away by the judge's unexpected offer, but gladly accepted it with a smile, "Thank you, judge Hafiz. I'd be honored to attend your wedding ceremony, as soon as you announce the date that is." "I'll let you know again, JL. Now run along, fellas. We still have a few more groups to evaluate before wrapping up for the night."

After the History group pairing had performed their respective renditions of the legendary Exo-M song, Hafiz felt underwhelmed by the groups' efforts, "Now I'm sure y'all did your best to meet my high expectations in regards to EXO songs like History, but I just don't feel that you did enough to impress me. I'm sorry, Grade B for both groups. There's still time to improve yourselves, so make full use of it, okay?" As soon as broadcasting wrapped up, Hafiz went to Krystian's room & invited himself in as he knew his fiancé was still in the shower. He quietly closed & locked the door before hiding behind the wall next to the bed; when Krystian came out of the shower naked, Hafiz pounced on him so hard that they both fell to the floor. "Hubby!!!! I'm naked and I just took a bath!! You need one too, pronto," Krystian gasped as he sniffed his future husband's armpits. Hafiz giggled as he obliged & showered in Krystian's bathroom while the latter played with himself on his bed in anticipation of the lovemaking session. After Hafiz had ensured that his body hair had been completely shaved clean, he rinsed himself once more before drying out with a towel & leaving the bathroom naked; soon after, the couple began their routine foreplay & proceeded to make love for the rest of the night.

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