Chapter 24: Divo/Wedding

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The weeks leading up to Krystian & Hafiz's wedding were jam-packed, what with the venue in central Taiwan being finalised & landing the perfect catering company to help serve the food among other things.. Still, the couple found a bit of time to have Krystian's self-titled solo EP ready to debut at the wedding itself.. Invites had been sent out to the entire NU family, Hafiz's immediate family members, the senior Wangs & a select few Youth With You S3 alumni (including Jun Liu, Krystian's bestie from the show), for the ceremony was closed off to the public due to security reasons. The theme was silver/black, the same color as Krystian's EP album art; everyone who had been kept in the loop were delighted for NU's resident gay couple for this had been a long time coming.

After the wedding outfits had been chosen, Mrs Wang was tasked with finding the perfect rings to seal her son & Hafiz in matrimony; being the keen eyed lady she had always been since her modeling days, she found the perfect pair on the first try. When she showed Krystian the rings later that same day, the latter squealed in delight while remarking that his husband-to-be would be beaming with pride wearing it. A couple of days before the actual event, however, Hafiz's ex-boyfriend interrupted the couple's intimate time by calling to ostensibly ask the choreographer some questions. Not wanting the mood to be ruined, Hafiz switched his phone off completely before continuing to make love to Krystian.

The following morning, Hafiz woke up & tickled Krys into joining him in the shower; after a chaotic bathing session, the couple dressed up & went to do some final checks on the wedding venue where a few tables with the signboards indicating which one was for NU (among others) had been setup. After ensuring that everything was perfectly fine, Hafiz then went to the DJ turntable to check if Divo & Lucifer, the two songs on Krystian's EP, had been added to the wedding playlist. Just then, his mum called him.. "Hey, mummy!! Y'all settled in at the hotel already?" "Yes, Hafiz.. We're all very excited and happy for you; your nieces and nephews can't wait to see you in your wedding outfit which I'm sure will be absolutely fantastic." Hafiz chuckled at the mention of his little ones, "Thanks, mummy. Can't wait to see them either. Okay la, I gotta check on something else now. See y'all tomorrow."

On the wedding day, the invitees had all gathered outside the private venue waiting for the security detail to let them in. They were talking amongst themselves when the time finally came for them to go in; after being led to their respective designated tables, the security leader informed Hafiz that everyone had settled in & it was time. Within minutes, the choreographer & Krystian were both escorted in by their personal security guards in their stunning silver/black wedding outfits. The response the couple got was overwhelmingly positive; Hafiz's nephews even attempted to run up to him for a group hug but were held back by their grandmother who shushed them & told them to behave themselves. While being watched by everyone, Hafiz started to shiver nervously which caught Krystian's attention; the latter calmed him down with a peck on the cheek before the wedding official began his speech.

A few minutes later, the wedding vows had been made & Jun Liu handed over the gorgeous rings to Hafiz and Krystian, who took turns putting them on the other's finger. Their first kiss as a married couple was then met with tears of joy & loud claps; Hafiz's little ones ran up to their favourite uncle who promptly kissed each of them on the forehead. The NU family were not far behind in congratulating their resident gay couple; Josh even started an Instagram livestream, with the couple's permission, announcing Hafiz's marriage to Krystian. Not long after, Krys also informed everyone present that he had a special showcase for them; on cue, Divo & Lucifer were played back-to-back and Krys performed both songs with accompanying choreographies made by Hafiz. Afterwards, the couple then danced to Mirrors by Justin Timberlake, followed by Michael Jackson's You Rock My World; granted, Hafiz had been working on perfecting his choreographies for both songs for years. The audience could only cheer them on as the couple danced their hearts out; even Uniters who had been watching the Instagram livestream were amazed by how perfectly synchronised Hafiz & Krystian were.

At the end of the dance showcase, the married couple received a standing ovation & smiled while bowing down. Hafiz then grabbed the microphone & said, "Firstly, thank you so much to our respective families for supporting & blessing our relationship from the get-go; we could've never made it this far without you. To the NU family, y'all are truly the best friends we could ever ask for; Jun Liu, thank you for helping me look after my baby vampire during YWY Season 3. Of course, how could I forget about you Uniters watching this livestream on IG? Thank you so much for all your support & love thus far; we have no idea how to repay y'all after all this time. We hope y'all will continue to support us for many years to come. Love y'all so much."

Krystian could only cry happily as his husband gave out that speech with pride in his voice, and ran up to kiss him on the lips after the latter was done. Their respective families could only smile & watch on in delight as their sons were lost in their joy but it wasn't until later on that the couple finally joined the attendees in the feast that had been provided. Even the wedding cake was cut up & its slices passed around after the main courses had been swept up. Needless to say, everyone almost fell into a food coma because of the scrumptious food. Later that evening, they started heading back to their respective hotel rooms to rest for the night while the newlyweds enjoyed their wedding night in private & the venue had started being taken down. As for Krystian's debut EP, it was scheduled to drop the week on streaming platforms after the wedding with the stage performance to air on the same day.

AU Gay Fanfic (Krystian Wang of Now United)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora