Chapter 3

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I stand in the center of a rather large bedroom and stare at the blood that covers the white walls, the bed, and the floor.

As has been the case with every other crime scene, he didn't leave anything behind. He's smart. Either that or he just keeps getting lucky. I'm betting on him being smart.

"Forensics didn't get a single thing?"

Joe shakes his head and looks just as aggravated and disappointed as I feel.

"He's going to fuck up sooner or later. They all do."

He's right, they usually do, but I don't see this one fucking up anytime soon. Outside of the house there are reporters who bombard us with questions, but neither of us say a word, and get into the cruiser.

"I'm going to go home and get a little bit of rest," I mutter. "I have a feeling he'll have something for us tonight."

"I think you're right about that."

In just the past week alone he's killed six more people, I've been on the go nonstop, and it's catching up with me. I've been in between being excited about retiring in the next five years, but right now I look forward to it and welcome it.

After I've dropped the cruiser off and gotten my car, it's almost six o'clock. I haven't checked my phone on hours and I have one missed call and a text from Lena.

We're going to go to the movies with Max and Katherine.

Even the mention of her name sends a chill up my spine and makes my stomach ache. That text was only from thirty minutes ago and I hope they're meeting them there and she's not at the house. But of course, Maxwells car is parked in front of the house as I pull into the driveway.

I try to mentally prep myself to see her again. She's kept it a secret, but she did say she was a very good secret keeper, after all. I continued to agonize over it for days and realized she actually wasn't going to say anything. So I've been fine that last couple of days, I half expected her to end things with Maxwell so that would be the end of it, but obviously she decided not to.

I get out of the car slowly, walk to the door even slower, and take a deep breath as I go inside. From where I stand in the doorway I can see her sitting in the living room beside of Maxwell, she looks at me, smiles, and waves. The aching in my stomach deepens and intensifies.

I give her a quick, polite wave. Lena is coming toward me as I do, and I quickly make my way to and up the stairs.

I remove my holster and begin to unbutton my shirt as soon as I've made it into the bedroom.

"You seem awful short tonight. Do you want to come? Or are you too tired?"

I don't look at her.

"I'm not being short. It was a very long day, and yes, I'm too tired."

"That's a shame. Max was hoping you'd come with us."

If he only knew...

"I'm sorry. I just need to lie down."

I've taken all of my clothes off except for my briefs and socks, walk to the dresser, and pull on a t shirt.

"We may get dinner after, so I don't know what time we'll be back."

"Trish is going, too?"



"Don't you want to say hi to them?"

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