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I just posted a new chapter, but I wanted to make a quick little update! Within the first hour of posting the last chapter, after really thinking about it, I'm considering having one more chapter next, then the ending, and then the Epilogue. I know you guys wouldn't mind having an extra chapter. At least I hope not.

I'm currently writing the next one and I'm twenty-five pages in and I don't think I'm even close to being done yet. You all may be waiting for a minute for this one. I've said before that I really only have time to write when my daughter is napping or after she's gone to sleep, but by then I can barely keep my eyes open. My fiancé doesn't get home until nine or ten most nights (he's a professional chef at a nice restaurant), and it is TOUGH to try to write when she's being her wild self. When he gets home he's instantly helping, even though he's forty-two and exhausted, so I get a little break until bedtime. 😂

I'm just throwing ideas around with exactly what I want to do and how I'd like to finish it. I refuse to give anything away, though. I'm really proud of this story. Writing it seems to come naturally to me. Michael is pretty easy to write for, yet he's complex at the same time with how he feels. I don't want to half-ass anything. I want you all to get the best, so if it takes me a bit to get this chapter out, just know it's because I am tweaking everything and writing it to the best of my ability. AND because my daughter gives me no breaks except for a two or three hour nap during the day, haha.

Much love to everyone! Thank you! 🖤🖤🖤

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