Chapter 30

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The smell of flowers invades my senses as my eyes begin to open. For a moment I'm frightened because my vision is blurry, but it gradually begins to clear up. I move my eyes slowly without moving my head.

Where am I?

Just as I ask myself this question, it all seems to come back to me.

His face. Running. Chasing. Gunshots.

It gives me a jolt and my eyes, which were barely open at all, fling open. I'm in a hospital room and a young woman, a nurse, is standing beside of me. She smiles and places her hand on my arm. There are so many things racing through my mind, but the first word out of my mouth is:


I don't recognize the sound of my voice, it's hoarse and quiet. She instantly brings a straw to my mouth and I suck as hard as I can.

"Slow, Mr. Byrne. Slow... There's plenty of water, I promise."

I pay no attention to her and gulp the cool water down until she's pulling it away from me.

"You're finally awake. I'll get your doctor."

She's out of the room and I close my eyes. When I open them I look to the other side of the room and see that Lena is sitting in a chair in the corner. We stare at each other and I can see that she's got tears in her eyes, but doesn't say a word. I notice all the flowers, there's a plethora of them, along with balloons and cards and stuffed animals. Who sent all of this?

"Welcome back, Mr. Byrne. How do you feel?"

I slowly look to the doctor and stare up at him.

"Sore," I whisper. "But fine, I guess. How long have I been out?"

"About three weeks."

Jesus. What? Three weeks. I've been dead to the world for three weeks? I stare in disbelief and when I try to sit up I wince, groan quietly, and slowly sit back. My entire body is aching.

"I've been in a coma?"

"Yes. What do you remember?"

"Being shot."

And suddenly, Katherine. Our plan. It hits me all of a sudden that we'd made plans to finally be together. Where is she? I look around quickly as if she's suddenly going to appear in the room and set my eyes back on Lena, but look back to the doctor as he speaks.

"You were shot four times. One in your leg, two in your stomach, and one in your chest. Once you wake up a little more we can discuss physical therapy."

"Physical therapy?"

"Yes. Your muscles are right on the verge of beginning to atrophy, so if we get you up and moving soon, they'll be fine. But it's likely that you'll have a limp. The bullet in your femur snapped it in half. It won't be as bad if we work with you."

I'd expected it was going to be bad, but hearing that I'll have a limp is somewhat of a blow. But I'm lucky to even be alive right now, so I'll take it. This entire time the nurse has been taking my blood pressure, checking my eyes, and examining me.

"Okay. I can live with that."

He smiles.

"Let's get that catheter out."

I glance down and look back to him.


"Yes. It'll only take a second," he says as he pulls a pair of gloves on."

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