End Note

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I had planned to write an end note to explain some of the reasonings behind writing this story. First of all, if you've ever been cheated on when you thought you were in a committed relationship, I am sorry. I've been there. It really feels like you're heart is being ripped out of your chest.

Everyone has their own feelings about cheating. Some think Michael had every right to because Helena did it. Some think that since he forgave her and they had moved on, he had no right to. I won't give you my stance, but I will say that after I was cheated on, I stayed. I didn't cheat back, never had any want to cheat or hurt him, but I can understand why some people do. I chose to forgive him instead, the same way Michael did with Helena.

I tried to explore themes of abuse and how that can effect someone. I was abused as a child and it really distorted my view of love and sex and to this day, I still struggle with it. If any of you have been abused, sexually assaulted, or harmed in any way, I am do sorry. It's truly one of the worst things a person can go through. It's okay to not be okay. I've struggled with feeling like I'm damaged goods because of it, but it does get easier. Healing takes time and even after all these years, I still haven't healed completely. But that's okay!

One of my followers did this amazing piece of art that I just love so much. I thought it was so cool and it made me so happy that this person loved this story so much that they took the time to do this:

 I thought it was so cool and it made me so happy that this person loved this story so much that they took the time to do this:

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bettinaba you are amazing! Thank you so much for this! 🖤🖤🖤

If anyone else has done anything like this, shoot me a message! I'll send you my email and you can send it to me like they did. It's just awesome!

It's hard to end a story that I've really poured myself into like this one. This is probably the best thing I've written so far. I have so much love for this story and these characters. There are men out there like Michael. You all deserve to find a Michael. He's the best male character I've written by far. The others have been abusive and manipulative and I just wanted to do a good one for a change. Aside from the cheating, I think I succeeded.

I hope The Affair can match up to this story. I still don't know exactly where I'm going to take that one. But I know Maddox will be much different from Michael. Love and sex will be the same, but he definitely won't be as open as Michael, at least not in the beginning. But it's going to be fun to write such a different character.

Thank you for all the love. Time to switch this story to completed! 🖤🖤🖤

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