Chapter 5

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Katherine's POV

As I open my eyes I groan at the light that is shining in through my windows. I always close them at night, but I must have forgotten, though I'm not surprising.

My body, which feels well rested, is still heavy and sore as I sit up. I am surprisingly refreshed and awake, and feel like I've run a marathon.

Did that really happen? Did I really fuck my boyfriends' married father last night?

Yes, I did. What did I expect would happen? He was obviously interested, so was I, and that's what happens when two people are attracted to each other.

As I stand and walk down the hall to the bathroom his come is sliding out of me and makes it all the more real. I fell asleep after he left in a rush without so much as cleaning myself up or using the bathroom. I scold myself for doing that because I'm prone to UTI's, and that's a sure fire way to fucking get one. But I was exhausted, so I take it easy on myself. I haven't been fucked like that in a while.

After I use the bathroom and clean myself up I get into the shower. As I wash him off of my body I go over the events of last night and with each thought my stomach curls, the muscles inside of my vagina clench themselves, and I am becoming aroused again.

He kissed me like he wanted to possess me, ate me out like he was starved for it, and fucked me like he hadn't fucked anyone in a long time. And he hadn't, not for over a month, which is so shitty to me. He's got a nice, big cock, and knows exactly what he's doing.

I try to justify my actions. I could see the way he was staring at me the first time we met. It's the way a lot of men have stared at me, he tried to hide it, but didn't do a good job of it. Hearing him jerk off was a first for me. He admitted it was because of me that he got aroused enough to do that. I knew he could see my pussy the moment I shifted positions on the porch. It wasn't my intention, really, I hand respected him to come back downstairs, it just happened that way. But even if it hadn't been because of me, it got me going enough that I touched myself afterward. In his house, with his wife, daughter, and my boyfriend sleeping on the floor above me.

But I stared at him, too. I've always liked older men, just like I told him, even if I've only been with one other one besides him. I was attracted to him immediately, even before we met. Max had shown me pictures of his family and he caught my eye. Later I would look him up on Facebook and scroll through what little pictures he had posted. And I became more attracted to him the more I looked. It's like seeing a celebrity and forming an instant attraction, one that's unattainable, or has almost no chance of ever being realized by that figure.

"Babe, I let myself in! The door was unlocked."

I jump at the sound of Max's voice and quickly finish my shower. What time is it? He wasn't supposed to be here until noon. Can it really be noon?

After I've dried myself off and gotten out of the shower I am shocked to see that it is fifteen after. Jesus, I slept for a long time. I wrap my body and hair in a towel and go to greet him.

He looks exhausted, dressed in his police uniform, and instantly grabs for me. I can still taste Michael as he kisses me and it's the first time I really feel the slightest bit sick over what I've done.

It isn't that I don't have a conscience. I just take what I want, I like to do what I want. He's the first actual boyfriend I've had and I was a little worried this would happen, but not so soon, and not with someone he's practically related to.

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