Chapter 36: The End

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As the hot water cascades over my body I run my fingers through my hair, making sure to get all of the shampoo out of my hair. It feels good, even if the steam is so thick that I can barely breathe.

I left Germany at seven in the morning. It was a tearful goodbye, with lots of hugging and kissing, even though she's following behind me. We talked as soon as I landed at nine. The time difference threw me off only the slightest bit this time, but I am jet lagged. There isn't time to be jet lagged, though, because I've got a full day ahead of me.

It's almost eleven now and after I've gotten out of the shower I shave, fix my hair, and begin to get dressed. In an hour I'm meeting a realtor at a brownstone in Gramercy Park. After a week long search this place became available and that's why I came back so quickly. If I sign on it today she's going to start packing and come back within the week.

I stare at my body in the mirror as I pull my clothes on. She's left so many marks on me. From scratches on my back to bite marks on my chest. My lips were raw and sore at first from kissing her so much after having barely kissed anyone for so long. Hers were the same. We've worn each other out, fucking every single time Atticus was down for a nap, any moment we got alone together. Even the thought of all of our lovemaking and fucking makes me begin to get hard.

I ignore it and pull my pants on. I've decided on wearing a gray, pinstriped three-piece suit. I had to buy new clothes while I was there, because all I hardly bought any at all. It was like a shopping spree, she made me try on a plethora of suits and jeans and t-shirts at a Nordstrom that was in town.

Once I've finished I stare at myself again. After my meeting with the realtor, I'm having lunch with Trish. I'm seeing Julianne here after. And I've messaged Helena about getting together tonight here as well. Katherine has asked me implicitly not to confront her, I told her I wouldn't, and that is the only time that I will ever lie to her. She needs to be confronted for what she did and I wonder if Katherine already knows I'm going to. How can she really expect me not to? It's not just about the time I lost with her anymore. It's about the time I lost with Atticus, too. It's unforgivable and she can't just get away with it. I won't let her.

In the kitchen I finish off my now cold cup of coffee, it tastes like shit because I brushed my teeth, then grab my wallet and keys. Before I put my wallet into my back pocket I open it and take out the small Polaroid photo Katherine gave to me a few days ago. It's of her and Atticus, they're both smiling, and I sigh quietly as I smile. I could cry just looking at it. We cried together plenty of times over so many different things. I know there will be more of that, we've talked about a good chunk of our time apart, but not everything.

I slip the picture back into place and leave the apartment. The drive isn't that bad, traffic is as shit as it always is, and I stop off at the bank. I transfer a considerable amount of money out of my savings and into my checking account, what I think the down payment could possibly be, and book it to the brownstone. I make it there right at noon. I park on the street, there's an empty spot between a Mercedes and a BMW, and I'm thankful I also have a Mercedes. It would stick out if I didn't have a nice car.

The sidewalk in front of the brownstone isn't nearly as crowded as the one in front of my building. There are people walking with children, strollers, dogs, jogging, etc. But it's much quieter than the Village and that's what we want.

I stand next to my car and stare up at the building. It has three floors and on the top level there's a balcony that's connected to the master bedroom. Katherine loved that, she got so excited when she saw it.

"Are you Mr. Byrne?"

I look quickly to the man who's just said my name.

"Yes, I am."

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