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Hey guys! It's been a minute since I've updated this story. I've started on a new chapter, but I'm sort of stuck. My personal life is in a spiral right now. At the moment, we're getting ready to move and I've been spending a lot of time trying to pack. I'm not very good at it, so it's been tough. My fiancé works all day, so I'm at home with our one year old all day. That's a job in itself, haha. Just a lot of anxiety happening right now!

I'll delete this update soon, I just wanted to post for my more avid readers to say I haven't forgotten about this story! I'm trying my best right now. I do hope you all liked the previous chapter. I've gotten a good bit of new readers, so I hope you're enjoying what you've read so far! Thanks for all the love, votes, and comments! 🖤🖤🖤

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