Chapter 3 [Hello Again]

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[3rd POV]

"Grass is... green," the all-knowing Gem known as Phosphophyllite muttered as she was writing down the details of the plants known only as "grass". 

Her red-haired BFF was standing beside her, overlooking her work while doing his best not to facepalm and just do the thing himself. As someone that does pretty much everything around the school, he found himself annoyed that he couldn't just do the job for Phos which would be both faster and more efficient considering the green-haired Gem was as dumb as a rock, pun intended.

Phos stopped writing on the clipboard before throwing her hands to the side, eliciting a deep sigh, "Why do I have to do something as boring as this? I wanna fight!"

"Sigh, Phos I thought you wanted to be useful to others," Y/N pinched the bridge of his nose as he squatted down and plucked some of the grass from the ground.

Phos took slight offence to his comment, "I do want to be useful! Just... doing this isn't really my thing."

Y/N chuckled at that, "A lot of things aren't exactly "your thing", am I wrong?"

The green-haired Gem let out a shocked gasp, "What?! No, you, my dear BFF Y/N, dare to think I am bad everything?"

"Yes," Y/N's deadpan response nearly made Phos bellyflop onto the ground while the red-haired lustrous being inspected the grass in his hands. "Poaceae or Gramineae is a large and nearly ubiquitous family of monocotyledonous flowering plants known as grasses. It includes the cereal grasses, bamboos and the grasses of natural grassland."

Phos just looked at him like he grew another head, "What?" 

"Hm? Write that down, Phos, write that down," instructed Y/N with little to no effect.

"But I want to make a shocking discovery! The grass isn't shocking, or new, or anything! Your knowledge about grass sure is though..." Phos' comment stroked Y/N's ego quite visibly as he grew a small ghost of a smile.

"Why thank you," Phos groaned but continued to rather poorly draw grass onto the paper on her clipboard, "You can't draw for toffee."

"Why thank you," the green-haired Gem replied with the same amount of self-confidence as Y/N previously did making the male sigh, "Also what's a toffee?"

"No idea, it just popped into my head," Y/N's absentminded revelation only made Phos sigh, she was all but used to Y/N's weird episodes where a random word would pop into his head at a random time, "While you're drawing... grass?"


"Right... Pass me one paper, might as well help. Those flowers over there look awfully interesting," a deaf person could tell Y/N was being sarcastic, Phos passed him a few papers from her clipboard and a spare pencil, "Be back in a few minutes."

With that their conversation came to a close and Y/N began doing what he does best, helping out. The blessing and the curse of being good at everything is that everybody expects you to do everything, not that Y/N minded, the opposite actually, he liked being useful, praises were just a cherry on top. Yet, he couldn't help but worry about Phos, when they first met Phos was very open, and still largely is, but she was a lot more carefree back then. He felt bad for her seeing as opposed to him, she couldn't do everything, in fact, it seemed like she could do nothing. So when she first approached him about partnering up he wanted to refuse, yet found himself with her the next. The pity he felt for her back then largely disappeared over the years though as Y/N began to realise how mundane and boring everyday jobs were, yet Phos could still somehow bring something new and exciting to the mix, even if she messed up. 

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