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Hey guys! I am pleased to announce that after years of temporary leaving wattpad, I am finally back and not only that.

This is for all the Tsukishima kinnies out there. Tsukishima is a detective in this one since I've read a lot of fanfictions about him and most of them in a school setting. I always wanted to read something like this so I made my own!

The title is CASE CLOSED. To easily find the story, you are free to visit my profile and look through my past works, you'll see it there. I wish you guys a safe quarantine and happy reading!!!!

P.S: I've been receiving notifications from the app during my break from wattpad and it just makes me happy everytime I realize that people are still reading stories from years ago. Thank you very much to all of the readers and to those who voted and loved my stories!! I am here because of you guys :)

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