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I waited for Seijuro to reply but I got impatient so I asked him again.

"Where's grandma?"

"Today is her funeral. That's why I brought you here." He said.

That's right, she died. The vampires killed her. I only had her. She only had me. How could they?

"You're human?!" Exclaimed Kotaro-kun and Reo-nee. "If you tell anyone about this, you two are dead" Seijuro threatened the two.

"But how? We should've sensed her smell already" Reo-nee asked. "I lent her my blood stone" Seijuro said and that took my attention. "Blood stone?" I muttered.

"But only couples exchange blood stones for engageme-" Kotaro-kun said but was cut off with Seijuro's glare.

I don't have time for this. I want to see grandma.

"When's the funeral?" I asked. "Get in" Seijuro said "Answer me first"

"We're going to the church"


"We are here today to say our last farewell to our dear friend, sister, and family, Nagashima Kirika" I heard the priest say as soon as we arrived.

I quickly ran to the door and saw grandma's white coffin.

"It's the grandaughter" people speaked to one another "How could she run away when her grandmother was being attacked by the vampire?"

"Very ungrateful child"

"She must have wanted it to happen in the first place"

"If her grandmother died, her riches would be left in her care"

I pretended not to hear anything and aproached her coffin.

The moment I saw her pale face, it all came back to me.How she took care of me, how she would send me to school everyday, help me out when I get into trouble, she would even run to my room just to kill a cockroach.

She loved me.

She would tell me she loves me everyday. There was not a single day that she didn't say that to me. Unlike ny parents who abandoned me. They never loved me. But grandma did, even though she wasn't really a blood relative.

Is this all my fault? Because the vampires are after me? Who the hell am I? Why would they do this?

*boog boog* (err.. that's a heartbeat, okay? XD)

Arg! It hurts! My head hurts! I opened an eye to see Seijuro and the others running to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "M-m-my head h-hurts!"

"Rika-chan? Oh my. What do we do?"

"If your head hurts, why don't we just break it?"

"She'll die, baka!"

"Would you guys shut up?" Seijuro scolded the two

Seijuro took the necklace off from me and the pain was gone. "What ha-" I was about to ask. "Let's talk later. A lot of people are watching you" Seijuro said

I turned to the coffin and looked at grandma. "Who am I really? Grandma, please tell me."


"You okay, Rika-chan?" Reo-nee asked me as we entered our cafe. I gave him a little nod and took a sip from the coffee he made me.

"You remembered something?" Seijuro asked, sitting beside me. I shook my head. "I don't know. I just felt like my head was gonna break." I muttered.

"See? I told you we should have broke it." Korato-kun said, earning a smack from Reo-nee. "Hold on to this. Remember." Seijuro took my hand and placed the necklace on it.

"So, what are we gonna do next?" Kotaro-kun asked but then suddenly Seijuro's eyes changed. "Stay behind me" he said coldly and forcefully led me behind him.

Then out of nowhere, three men appeared. They wore tailcoats and their faces were covered in masks with different expressions.

"This woman's memories shouldn't be retrieved" said the one with the happy-faced mask.

"Why? Who are you anyway?" Reo-nee asked and was backed-off by Seijuro.

"This is the law of the vampires, the Blood" Seijuro said looking displeased as ever. "Would you mind telling us the reason?" He asked calmly despite looking so angry.

"She sealed her memories herself. We had an agreement to protect all of the vampire race" said the one with the sad-faced mask

"How? How can that happen?" I asked.

The three men looked at each other before answering. "We believe that the answer lies in your memories and we cannot allow you to retreieve it."

Tantalize [Akashi Seijuro KnB Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now