Chapter 13: Her Life Story

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"Wow, that was fast? How did you fix him that quickly?" Krystal asked as her eyes broadened to see the alpha's face improve. She's currently sitting in her seat between the sculptures. Looking so hella elegant to stare at.

Taehyung was about to speak but couldn't when Jungkook was fast to talk. "Don't ask, let's just get over it and move on to what you wanted us to see. I'm trying my best to control my nerves here" The male said trying not to shout at her. Cause if he does, he'll be sleeping either outside or on the couch.

So, yeah he's very careful with his actions. He would die without beside him.

Krystal cleared her throat before she began. "As you can see, we're in my archive. If you wondered why I have all of these things, well, Books makes me calm down and it helps me relieve tension. That's why I save all this stuff but these are not the exact things that I would like to show you" She paused for a while, and strolled to one of the bookshelves.

'God's sake, this girl is wasting time. We're not here for lecturing or sharing your likings' Jungkook thought to himself, not wishing for Taehyung to hear it.

Krystal lift the certain book, then soon after, one of the bookshelves moved to the side. Creating a pathway to the next room. "I need to talk to him, alone. This time, I'm being serious right now Jeon" Krystal said intensely as she stares at the alpha emotionless.

"Look, This is between me and Taehyung. I suggest you sit down right there on the sofa while waiting for him. But don't worry about it, I'm not a burglar, swindler, or whatever you called that. I don't have the intention to harm or snatch your mate from you. Besides, I already have one in my heart, but don't ask any further. Cause I might do something you don't like. Just please, this is between me and him. This is a serious conversation for both of us and kindly control your temper cause we don't appreciate aggressive alphas in this place. That's all, thank you" She said in one breath, without flinching and stuttering making both males speechless.

Krystal saw their faces while parted their mouth in surprise. Then for a few seconds of silence, she smirks before continuing.

"I guess you okay with that. Silence means yes, which I suppose you understand what I said, Jeon" She responded. Then, she motioned Taehyung to follow her inside to exchange conversation. Which he directly agreed before he stepped inside the next room, not forgetting to wave (goodbye) to his mate.

Once they're inside, the shelves slowly moving before it completely closed leaving jungkook in the archive motionless. Now, what I'm gonna do?! He thought not missing to scoff.

"Taehyung, your name is Kim Taehyung, right? Son of Kim
Wonshik and Kim Chunhei?" Krystal asked in a serious tone. The male got a little bit of surprise hearing his parent's names from her mouth. "Yes, that's right but h-how did you k—"

"They're my aunt and uncle. Which is your mother is my mother's sister but now she's not here anymore" She said in a low tone and I could see her eyes almost burst for how second. I was about to ask why but I stopped myself because that would make her cry.

"Just ask, I know you're badly wanted to know what happened. I don't mind, besides it's my fault" She said while making an effort not to cry. "What? W-Why did you say that? It wasn't your fault, don't blame yo—" She cut me off. "I killed her, so, it's my fault why she died," She said in a blank tone.

I widened my eyes from what she said. S-She killed her own mother?! Oh my God, is she going to kill me now?! Now that my mate is gone. He's not here to protect me! Holy Moly, she's a freaking murderer. How didn't I notice that? I should link Jungkook as soon as possible before she could do something horrible to me! Shit! Calm down tae, ease your mind, come on! Don't panic...don't pan—

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