Past, Future And Pool

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Continuation from Immortal Lullaby

Next Morning

Reborn was already awake before the rest, drinking his beloved beverage: Espresso.
He was extremely lost in thought so pardon him for once not noticing the others slowly trickling in. Uni in particular looked happier than the past days.

"Slept well?" asked Fon.

"Unh! Thanks for the tea. You know, Skull -or should I call him Noro now?- also made a suggestion."

"Which would be?" Lal lightly joined their conversation from the kitchen. Colonello was still dragging himself behind them.

"I know you're gonna laugh, but please don't. He suggested stories and lullabies."

"*snort* I can imagine him suggesting it but unable to do either." said Colonello. Uni gave him a scalding glare. (definitely learned that from Reborn, definitely).

"Well he did. It was a lullaby he- or my ancestor Sephira- came up with."

Verde spit out his drink, making the others slightly jolt and give him odd glances. He pointed to the stairs and... their Cloud stood there, coming down.
Wings(!?) were clasped over his shoulders as he dragged a reptile tail(?!) drag behind himself.

Reborn followed up by spitting out his espresso, regretting the loss immediately and glaring at the liquid on the floor like it had done him dirty.

"Morning everyone...."

"Morning Uncle Skull-- Noro?"

"You can call me whatever you want. Though I don't prefer degradating ones. By the way why is it so quiet... and cold?"

"Cold..? It's almost 40°C room temperature!" exclaimed Verde.

The stuntman opened his eyes and they noted how they were still slitted, but not glowing.
He finally noticed their stares.

"W-what?" he asked confused and uncomfortable, his tail twitching. They looked at him like some kind of fresh meat or how a newborn suddenly saw a bigger predator. Which, btw, is very uncomfortable.

Fon pointed at him, hand open and simply gesturing to not seem like a child with a stick. That would be rude.
"There's something behind you. Is that okay?"

Skull turned around and his cheeks turned a nice shade of crimson before he made to book it out of the room. "...So yeah, I'm going back to my room, Bye-!" He waved his hand hastily but got stopped with 3 bullets passing by him or being deflected by his new 'appendages'.

He looked back at them slowly. Reborn looked like a chibified demon, with horns and tail.
His gun smoking. So did Lal's and, judging by the smell, she fired at least one of the shots.



And there was one Skull DeMort, defiantly looking back at him, turning back around to going upstairs-- except he wasn't that one as he sat down on the couch, tail making it nearly impossible to sit on the couch; nevermind share it.

"So? Why did you try to flee again, hmm~?" Reborn was standing over him, like he usually would after beating Skull and berating him about trying to win against the #1 Hitman.

He just looked anywhere but at them so he ended up with his tail. He blushed again.

"... Your not in a weird kind of Heat, are you?" spoke Verde.

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