You gave him to us

526 15 1

Fuck. Fuck fuckfuckfuckfuck- shit and holy hell!! Why does Reborn-senpai hate me?!

I sobbed into my helmet, misery and fear settling in.

Why I'm so miserable is a no brainer by now.

Fucking Mafia.
Damn Reborn-senpai,
damn Arcobaleno.

First that strange meeting, then the mission's & finally-- cursed. And now they ship me off to what I learned is a famiglia reknown for illegal and illicit business ranging from all kinds - all kinds - to experimenting, smuggling, assassination and warfare!! Heck, they're officially on the biggest famiglias' and state radar!! Morally the darkest there is and high ranked.

Reborn-senpai, you're really just gonna ditch me like this with these people?!

I'm not sure if I'm more angry or devastated at him. Actually, the Arcobaleno ruined me.
So what the fuck are they, do they think they are to treat me as their property?! I'm not theirs!!

"Sign it, lackey."

I jolted, my head snapping up to the other baby at the end of the table. My polar opposite. To my right was the don of the Carcassa Famiglia.

Fuck, even their name sounds like a dead body. Rotten.

Reborn-senpai had his normal gun pointed at the don, his gaze rested on me. Well, me and the paper in front of me.

I wouldn't even need my experience with Viper or the show business to know what a contract looked like. Even more, one that sold your life away. And that's what this was.

Reborn was selling me.

And I couldn't fight back, despite being unwilling.
I didn't want this.

Alas, I knew my opinion mattered nothing to him.
I was worthless to him, even as a fellow Guardian. How much that title really mattered was questionable after recent weeks.

I felt a burning at my back - proverbially speaking.
I knew it was Sun flames gushing through whatever 'bond' we shared. And it settled like a heavy mass, the mass of a giant ozone ball - a burning sun.

He was pushing me to do this.

Reluctantly, and with no choice in whatever matters since our aquaintence began, I signed it.

They were still looking at me after I put the pen down.
I hunched my shoulders, trying to make a defensive wall with them. Did I forget something?
I'm pretty sure I did everything though. Before signing it I'd read the terms -i'm not stupid enough not to!- which 'allowed' them to train me in whatever ways mafia they could and ensure my survival while they reaped any benefits and fame having an Arcobaleno could bring.

Reborn huffed, doing that eyeroll at the same time - like he did when annoyed and remembering something that's the reason for said annoyance.
The heavy mass, burning sensation that heated up my back increased and I yelped.
My pacifier ignited and I felt pain, my soul put through the grinder. My vision swam with purple and tears as I distinctly felt the same flames lingering beneath skin taking my hand and putting it against the paper. Considering my small size the entire hand fit on it snugly.

The pressure left and my hand was simultaneously dropped.
I felt like I could breathe easier again. I looked up, seeing a handprint in... purple ink?
I looked at my hand... There was neither ink nor dye. Huh??

The don reached for the contract, pointer finger pressing up above his signature. When it left there was a faint shimmer - an orange fingerprint. I saw no paint being used this time either. Something ain't right

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