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Summer had arrived at the Burrow, along with Charlie, who Eleanora Marks and the Weasleys enjoyed the company of for the first three weeks of July. His original plan had been to stay a week, but Mrs. Weasley seemed to be holding him captive, convincing him to take a longer span of time off in order to spend time with his family. After the ordeal of the last school year, all of the students needed a break, so they spent most of their afternoons playing quidditch in the little field near the house. Charlie played with them, using all of his old tactics and occasionally going into quidditch-captain mode, referencing old plays they used when he was in school. Even Percy accompanied them some days to even the teams out. Fred, George, and Eleanora; being used to Oliver's spin on Charlie's old plays, had a hard time with this. Once, when Eleanora, George, and Charlie were playing against Fred, Ron, and Percy; Eleanora messed up a play so badly she almost knocked George off his broom.

"Nora!" Charlie roared. "We went over that one so many times your third year!"

"Sorry!" she said, pulling George back up. "Wood changed it my fourth year and I completely forgot your version."

Charlie laughed as Ron dove to grab the ball that had fallen to the ground. "Oh, so if Wood changes it-"

"You've been gone too long, Charlie. That ship sailed," said George.

"And sunk," added Fred.

"Did it really?" Charlie said in wonder. "Sorry I missed it."

The twins snorted in laughter. "No you're not-" Fred started.

"Alright, alright, let's play instead of discussing my love life," Eleanora cut in, catching the ball Ron had thrown up to her. Charlie, still chuckling over Oliver and Eleanora, stole it out from behind her and leaned forward, speeding past Percy and scoring. He did a flip, whooping.

On the way back to the house, Charlie hung back behind the twins, Eleanora, and Ron, to talk to Percy. Charlie had always gotten along with Percy more than the others, not teasing him as much for his aspirations. Eleanora walked between Fred and Ron, discussing the latest news in the wizarding world, the escape of Sirius Black.

"I dunno what they think they're going to do when they catch him," George was saying. "The man's absolutely mad."

"Well, he won't have a wand, so couldn't they just stun him?" said Ron.

"Ron, he got past the dementors without a wand-" said Eleanora.

"But the ministry keeps saying it was just some kind of mistake," Ron argued.

"Rubbish," said Fred, "You don't just make a 'mistake' and let out the most dangerous murderer of the age." They were nearing the house now.

"My question is: why did he wait until now? I mean, he was in there what, thirteen years?" said Eleanora. She wasn't as worried about the whole situation as she was perplexed. She didn't think Sirius Black would come anywhere near her, in fact, she didn't think he would get far at all before getting caught. They reached the house, filing in through the garden door.

Eleanora was prepared for Mrs. Weasley's usual chorus of, "Shoes off! Take your shoes off! Go clean up-" But it didn't come. Eleanora slipped her sneakers off and looked over to Charlie, who was looking mildly worried. With the whole Sirius Black thing going on, everyone was more on edge than usual.

"Mum?" called Charlie, taking his boots off and stepping into the house. "Mum?"

"In here!" Mrs. Weasley cried from the living room. They all trooped in. Mr. Weasley was standing with his wife, which was odd, because Mr. Weasley wasn't supposed to be home until late that night.

"Has something happened?" Eleanora asked, assuming the worst.

Mrs. Weasley beamed at her and opened her mouth to say something, but at that moment, Ginny danced into the room. "We won, we won!" she chanted, throwing her arms around Charlie's waist. "We won!"

Charlie looked at his parents, not having any idea what was going on. Mrs. Weasley was beside herself with joy, so Mr. Weasley explained. "I've, uh, well- I've won a bit of a prize," he said.

"Not a bit of a prize," sang Ginny. "He won the Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw!" Mr. Weasley nodded confirmation as his children looked at him with stunned expressions. Then Fred led out a shout of joy, pumping his fist in the air. Charlie moved forward to shake his father's hand and congratulate him as Eleanora took Ginny's hands and danced her around the room.

When things calmed down, Mrs. Weasley made a second announcement. "We've decided to use the money to take a family trip to Egypt to see Bill." There was a second wave of excitement, but Eleanora's heart sank. She couldn't ask the Weasleys to pay for her to come too, she felt bad enough taking up space in their house all summer, making Charlie sleep in Bill's room.

"Come on, I'll show you all the certificate," said Mr. Weasley, leading his kids into the kitchen. Eleanora held back. "Mrs. Weasley," she said.

Mrs. Weasley stopped and turned to her. "What is it dear?"

"I was just thinking- I could go stay with my mum while you're in Egypt-"

"You don't want to come? I thought you and Bill were rather close-"

"No, no, it's not that I don't want to- it just seems like a family trip..." she trailed off.

Mrs. Weasley looked confused for a moment. "But you're family, Eleanora dear. We talked about taking Harry too, but when Ron tried to call those muggles, he got shouted at. We didn't want to get the boy in anymore trouble. No, you have to come with us, Bill will be just as excited to see you as anyone."

Eleanora's throat felt tight when she heard this. You're family. "At least let me pay for myself," she said.

"I won't hear of it. This prize is for all of us, now come along dear." She led Eleanora to the kitchen to join the others. Fred and Charlie moved to create a space for her at the counter where they were looking at the certificate. There was a news clipping too.


Arthur Weasley, Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office at the Ministry of Magic, has won the annual Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw. A delighted Mr. Weasley told the Daily Prophet, "We will be spending the gold on a summer holiday in Egypt, where our eldest son, Bill, works as a curse breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank. The Weasley family will be spending a month in Egypt, returning for the start of the new school year at Hogwarts, which five of the Weasley children currently attend.

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