Let us Begin!

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~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~
That weak minded fool. Pine Tree. He didn't know what power he could unleash with those journals. Yet he tried. Hmm. I could tell his mind would be easy to manipulate. Why did I want to do this?
Well you see, I have been working on this plan for waaaay to long. But it's finally complete. I'm not telling you what it is though. Or you could ruin it to. The only people who could get in the way would be the Pines family and their friends. They had the journals....they could use those against me. So I needed someone to....lets just say 'take care of them.' Pine Tree was weak. I could use him. Then I once he had completed his task...I would dispose of him.
I laugh like a maniac. This will be to easy.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ok so this is just a summary of the story. Turn the page. Why are you still reading this? Turn the page! The story starts on the next page. TURN THE PAGE!!! 😃

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