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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point Of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(He is in his human form now) Yes! Yes! the deed was done! I had accomplished it! All my adversary's were dead! This was...magnificent. Now, to complete the final task. I slowly made my way to the front door of the Mystery Shack, admiring the Crimson blood that pooled around my victims. What a pretty color. Not as good as yellow though. I reached the door and swiftly turned the handle, and walked to my destination: The vending machine. Fast as lightning my fingers typed in the passcode and the door swung open. I slowly made my way downstairs, dragging out the time it would take to reach the portal that meant the destruction of the human race, and the creation of a new world. Oh how good this would feel. I savor end the final step, and pushed open the door to the lab. Unable to contain my excitement, I rushed to the triangular portal, that I had tricked a certain idiot into building me so many years ago.
Now it was time!
"For one trillion years I have been trapped in my own decaying dimension!!!" I yelled aloud. "Now I am free. There are no strings on me." With the quick snap of my fingers, I activated the portal. Rainbow lightning zapped out of it as light begun to spin around, opening the doorway to the nightmare dimension.
"NO PUPPET STRINGS CAN HOLD ME, AND PATIENTLY I WATCHED THIS TOWN!!! ABNORMAL WILL NOW BECOME THE NORM, YOUR ALL TOO LATE HERE COMES THE STORM!!!!" I screamed into the hellish abyss of the portal. I laughed like a complete psychopath, as black shadowy creatures began streaming through the portal, and bursting through the Mystery Shack, ready to kill. Ready for blood. Ready to spill the crimson color everywhere.
It was time to paint the world red.
I made my way back up the stairs, and headed out of the shack. I launched myself into the sky, to survey the chaos my nightmare minions were causing. Fire. Everywhere. The black demons pulled the townsfolk of Gravity Falls apart, with sharp claws. Blood slipped from the bodies that littered the ground.
"It's beautiful." I whispered.
"Simply miraculous." A sarcastic voice came from behind me. I turned in surprise to find Stanford-the real Stanford Pines glaring at me, a gun aimed directly at my chest. He stood on the roof of the Mystery Shack, slowly advancing towards me.
"Oh hiiii Sixer!!" I grinned, floating slightly closer. He readied his finger on the trigger.
"Move an inch closer, and I'll blast you back to hell." He hissed.
"Nice to see you too!" I smirked. "So I see you made it out of the portal with my army." I laughed.
"Barely." He growled. "Now call them off, Cipher."
"DO IT!"
"No way."
"DO IT OR I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" I was taken back by surprise at the tone and volume of his voice.
"Ford, I'm not gonna-"
My eyes widened in shock as the bullet pierced my stomach, and a swift moving trail of that beloved liquid streamed from the wound. I glared at Stanford.
"Demons don't have healing properties." I hissed.
"That is why I'll be able to destroy you with ease." He reloaded and I bashed into him, knocking him off his feet. I ignored the ripping sensation in my stomach, while grabbing Ford's throat, and holding him up in a death grip. He desperately squirmed, and fired at me again, hitting me square in the kneecap. I let out a howl of pain as my leg twisted backwards and a sharp pain shot up my limb. I dropped Stanford, and collapsed to the ground, holding my leg and groaning in pain. Ford loaded his laser gun up again and kicked me in the face with his battered boot. I writhed around, and tripped him. He fell on top of me, and I kicked at him with my good foot, sending him flying of the roof. I heard a loud crash as he impacted the ground. I slowly stood up, and limped over to the edge of the building. I looked down to see Ford standing up, holding a presumably broken right arm. He glared up at me.
"You won't win this Cipher!!" He yelled at me. I slowly floated down next to him.
"I already have." I replied, in a matter of fact tone, motioning to all the destruction around us. "Fires burn. People are torn to bits. The world is going to hell, and you? You are trying to stop it!" I chuckled. "Your family is dead. You have no friends. How do you suppose you will survive." I smirked. His eyes widened, and I could see him beginning to tear up.
"Maybe I can't win." He said softly. I nodded. "That right, accept your defeat, and maybe I'll let y-"
"I wanna make a deal."
"A deal. I defeat you and you recall your army. And if you win, Earth is yours." I smirked.
"Deal." I extended my gloved hand, that was coated in blue flames. He took it and we shook. Then, he tightened his grip and pulled me forward, knocking me off balance. I fell forward onto his leg, and he kneed me in the stomach. It felt like my whole stomach was being torn to bits. I let out a shriek of pain, and swiped out my hand, my long fingernails catching on his cheek. I felt his skin ripping beneath my fingertips. I heard Ford grunt in pain. The sound of his gun loading up sliced through the hair and I tried to roll away, but he had already slammed his foot down on my chest, and was holding me down. He was strong for an old man. He knelt down and held the gun right up to my temple.
"I win." He smirked. "Call them off." I stared at him, eye wide. Then my face slowly contorted into a demented smile, and I beginning laughing like a maniac. Ford gave me a concerned look.
"Your are insane, Cipher." I nodded, still laughing hysterically. "Now surrender."
"But I won." I whispered.
"What?" Ford gave me a confused look. I leaned forward, and whispered in his ear.
"I won." With that, I grabbed him by the throat, and with am insane grin, I squeezed as hard as I could, obliterating his throat and lungs.
"Bye bye Sixer." I smiled.
With that I looked out at the destruction my demons had caused. The trees were attacked by the orange flickering flames. The rose colored blood leaked from the carnage of the dead. I looked down at my own wounds. I would survive. But the most important part of the destruction I had caused was that:
I had won.
"Bound by puppet strings, your world is. And I'm the puppet master."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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