A Sealed Deal

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Dippers Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~
My eyes snapped open and I glanced around the room. I really had been asleep, just like Bill said. With a sigh, I closed my journal. Mabel was asleep in the bed next to mine, Waddles sprawled across her chest. I let out a small laugh as Waddles snorted. I glanced at my alarm clock. It read: 3:17. I had been asleep for about 7 hours. And I missed dinner. Darn.
Then my dream came flowing back to me. Bill said that I needed to summon him to close the deal! I gave Mabels sleeping body one last quick glance, then pushed the attic door open. I slowly, quietly walked down the creaking stairs. As I reached the bottom I stopped and listened. No one was stirring. I continued across the living room, journal tucked under my arm.
I reached the entryway and pushed open the wooden door. I rushed out into the cool night air. It flowed through my hair, nearly taking my hat with it. I glanced around. I knew I needed a place far away from the mystery shack. Just in case. I looked towards the dark forest. No way I was going in there. Who knew what creatures roamed in the night.
I glanced down the road, leading away from the Mystery Shack. I knew a little ways down there was a large open meadow. I began to sprint down the path, kicking dirt up. But I began to tire, and before I was halfway there, I was all worn out.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jeez. What was taking that kid so long? Like seriously. I'm growing restless. This is taking forever. I sighed and glanced to where Pine Tree was at. I expected that he would go to that large open field a little ways away from him. That kid is to slow. I gave a long sigh.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~
I could see the meadow now. I grew very excited. I was gonna learn who the author was! Although it kinda sucked that I was going to share a body with *shiver* Bill. As I stepped into the soft, lush grass I pulled out my journal. I quickly flipped to the page with Bill on it. There was some kind spell or something. I hesitated for a second. Was it really worth it? Bill did say he would always give my body back...ok then.
"Triangulum entagulum veniforis dominus ventium! Veniforis venetisariam!" I yelled. Then I fell to my knees and began uncontrollably chanting. "Egessem sdrawkcab, egessem sdrawkcab, egessem sdrawkcab!" A bright light flashed in front of my eyes. I heard Bills familiar voice ringing out.
"Well, hello Pine Tree!" Bills triangle shape formed in front of me. I shielded my eyes from the bright light.
"So I take it you've accepted my deal!" Said Bill. I nodded to him. I could feel my legs shaking.
"Ok Pine Tree, let's review this. I get to borrow your body until the end of the summer, and in exchange you get to learn who the author is. Deal?" Bill stretched out his dark demon hand to me. It ignited with a blue flame. I looked up at him and slowly reached out to grab his hand. I could feel a burning sensation shoot up through my my arm, as I shook Bill's hand.
"Ahaha!" He laughed. "It's a sealed deal!"
"So...who is the author?" I asked.
"Whoa Pine Tree. Once my end of the deal is done then you learn who the author is." I gasped.
"It was never said in the deal WHEN I give you the authors name. Ahaha!"
"No.....no no no. Why? How could I have overlooked that?!" I yelled. Bill just snickered.
"Let's go home!" He laughed. He entered my mind.
"Nice brain ya got here kid." I could hear him say. He was literally in my mind. That was NOT good. Then suddenly Bill pushed me away, and he took control.
"HEY!" I yelled. Bill laughed.
"You stay there Pine Tree." He said, moving my arm. I was confused. I could still see through my own eyes but...Bill had control of my body. How did that work?
"Ok kid we're going to see your sister!" He said, moving me to the road. He started walking down the street.
"Bill, you need you need to let me know when your gonna take control!" I hissed.
"WHYYYY?!" Bill asked in a mock whiny voice."
"Beca-" But I was cut off by the sound of a car horn. Bill turned around, and to my horror there was a car speeding right towards us!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHORS NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hiya guys! How have you been? How has my book been? I like waffles. Anyway Dipper still has 53 days of summer left so...53 days with Bill! Haha yes! If you're thinking this book is boring...wait! It gets much better when the...insanity begins.... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Ok that's all for today. Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYYYYEEEE!!!

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