A Bloody End...To the Pines

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~
"Oh no the police are definitely all ready on their way." Dipper said, as I began to leave the asylum.
"Come on Pine Tree, I only just broke out. No way. Anyway, I could easily defeat them." I began to sprint, as fast as Dipper's legs would bring me. I sped past large trees, as I ran past the edge of the forest. I knew where I was at. Come on, I'm Bill Cipher. With in a couple minutes, I was tired as all hell but the Mystery Shack was in sight. Did it worry them that the asylum was only a mile away from their home? Whatever. It was time to have some fun. Pine Tree was probably was right. The police are probably already out for me. I needed to accomplish this before they caught up.
"Ok Pine Tree, you have control now." I pushed Pine Tree back into control.
"R-really? I'm going to get the honor of killing them?" Dipper stuttered.
"I could have done that myself. I want them to know that it as YOU who killed them." Dipper nodded.
"Then let's do this." He said with a laugh. A psychotic laugh. That's my Dipper. The crazy one.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I knocked on the Mystery Shack door. Grunkle Stan had probably finished all the tours for the day. As I waited for him to answer the door, I reached into my vest and felt for the blood stained knife. I gripped the handle.
"No tours after 5." Stan said, opening the door. "D-Dipper?" He stuttered, looking down at me.
"Yeah, it's me."
"N-no it's Bill."
"No Grunkle, it's me! I swear!"
"Why are you here?"
"I just wanted to let you know, that your death came at the hands of Dipper." I said with a snicker. I plunged the blade deep into Stan's stomach. Blood spurted out onto my arm and hand. I glanced up to see Stan's eyes roll back into his head. Then he fell forward. I swiftly side stepped. This was to easy. I leaped over his dead body, and glanced at the pool of blood forming around him. Puny man. I dashed into the kitchen where I knew I'd find....
"Hey Soos!" I said cheerfully, walking into the room.
"Bill!" Soos gasped.
"No, it's Dipper." I replied.
"Oh dude! I missed you so much! I-" I grabbed his arm and pulled him close to me.
"Shut up." I whispered. Then, I grabbed his throat and put a tight grip on the blade. With a swift blow, i slashed his neck open. His eyes went dull, as blood spurted from the wound, soaking my face. He collapsed forward, knocking me over. I shoved his fat body off of me. One more to go. This was way to easy. No one is even putting up a fight. I headed into the gift shop, a opened the curtain that revealed the ladder to the roof. I clambered up the ladder, and pushed open the trap door. Wendy sat, sleeping in the chair, her red hair blowing in the breeze.
"Weeeeendyyyyy." I whispered. Her eyes popped open.
"Bill!?" She yelled standing up.
"No! It's Dipper!" I said in a hurt tone. "And I'm going to kill you." With those words, I lunged at her. Wendy screeched, and punched me back. I fell against the chair, and heard a crack as she stomped on my fingers. I growled and leaped at her again. She punched my stomach, and knocked all my air out. I gasped for air, and weakly threw the knife at her. It landed on her foot, piercing through her boot. She yelped in pain, and hopped backward....right off the roof. She let out a scream, but was cut short by a loud thump as she hit the ground. I peered over the edge to see that she had cracked her skull on a rock. I let out a victorious laugh.
"I DID IT!!!" I yelled.
"My part is nearly over." Bill whispered. I could feel him taking control.
"Ok Pine Tree, let's finish this."
"Wait...what do you mean? I won."
"There is just one thing left Pine Tree."
"It's inevitable."
"No...Bill I trusted you."
"Let's make this quick and snappy."
"Bill No!"
Bill picked up the axe that Wendy had left on the roof. With the cleanest of cuts, he swiftly sliced the tip across my throat. He let out a yell of agony.
"Dang that hurt! Pain is not hilarious." And he pushed me back in control.
Pain blossomed through my body. Overtaking every sense. I could hear the screams of agony. I could taste blood. I could feel the wound. I could smell the scent of death. I could see my vision clouding. So this is how it felt to die? I screamed. With pain. There wasn't anything I could do. I heaved in one last breath. And my lungs stopped. As the last bit of life drained out of me, Bill whispered into my ear.
"Now time to fulfill my end of the bargain. The author is..." I was slipping away.
And everything went black.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......Authors Note.........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
That's it...they are all dead. Bill won. It's over...BUT WAIT!!!!! One more chapter after this! ONE MORE AND ITS COMING OUT TOMORROW!!!!!!! So hang in there bros. Until then, I'll be watching you! Remember, reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold, BYYYYYEEEEE!!!!!

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