Your only Friend

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~~~~~~~~~~~Dipper's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~
No one cares for me anymore. No one. I tried to make people happy again but no one cares for my efforts. No one will even talk to me anymore. No one but Bill. And his attention is not exactly wanted.
"Aw Pine Tree, you don't really mean that do you?" Joked Bill, reading my thoughts.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK???!!!! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!!!" I screamed at him.
"Whoa chill Pine Tree." Bill said.
"NO BILL. YOU JUST...JUST STOP!" Bill silenced himself. I began to pace. Bill was literally driving me to insanity.
"Dipper." I whipped around as I heard Mabels voice.
"M-mabel?" I asked, surprised. Mabel had not spoken to me in a while. She was friendly to everyone except me. But then again, Bill told her that he-I had brought Waddles to the butcher.
"Soos, Wendy, Stan and I have been discussing your behavior." She started. I frowned.
"Why?" I asked.
"Isn't it obvious, Dipper? You are behaving like a-an animal. You are always snappy towards us and you told us each how much you hated us." I glared at Mabel. It wasn't my fault I was this way. Bill had made me a lot more irritable.
"Oh, I'm sorry I'm not perfect." I hissed.
"See, this is exactly what I'm talking about! You need to stop. Come with me and we will apologize."
"Why would the accept my apologies now?" I snapped. "I repeatedly tried to say sorry but they just ignored me! What makes you think this time will be any different?"
"Please Dipper."
Mabel glared at me. "Dipper this isn't you. Come back to us." With that she walked out of the room, slamming the door.
I sat down on my bed, and buried my face into my hands.
"This is all my fault. I'm just to mean these days." I said aloud.
"Y'know Pine Tree, I think otherwise." Bill's voice rang out through my head.
"What do you mean?" I hissed, not wanting to talk to him. After all he was the one who ruined my life.
"You are just doing what's right, Pine Tree. They don't deserve your friendship. You are to good for them."
"No, I'm not."
"Pine Tree, you are much higher up then them. You are smart, clever, and bold. They are all fools, beneath you. You are up on the same level as me. Pine Tree we are very similar."
"That's true." I said softly. "I am much smarter than them."
"Yes, you are Pine Tree. You know, if I combined my power and smarts with your clever and boldness...we could do something beautiful. Pine Tree. We could make something wonderful."
"No...I can't listen to you Bill." I said. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to manipulate my mind.
"Dipper, I am your friend. Think about it. I'm the only one who understands what your going through."
"Because your the one who caused it!" I hissed.
"And I will fix it. Pine Tree, listen to me and we will get you through these times. Just listen to me. After all I am your only friend."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Pine Tree didn't object to my statement. He went along with it. Ah, yes things were coming nicely. Dipper was so easy to manipulate. Just a bit of reasoning. Oh yes. Soon he will obey me. He will help me. I can get rid of the last obstacle in my way. The Pines family. I will complete my master plan. I will win. Once and for all.

~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~
Omg Dipper! He is falling into Bill's grasp! What do you guys think will happen? Will Bill succeed or fail? Dipper is not doing to well. But maybe Mabel can save the day...Remember, Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYEEEEEEEEE!!!

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