You Know

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I hissed at Stanford as he began to question me.
"Dipper what is wrong with you? You just tried to murder your sister! I-I dunno what to say or do!" Stan began to pace the room.
"Oh, you poor old man." I snickered laying back against the chair. "You don't know what to do."
Stan gave me a confused look.
"Dipper, your voice sounds really different. Like...I know that voice. I've heard it before! can't be" I tilted my head.
"What can't be possible?" I questioned.
"I think he figured it out." Dipper whispered from in my-his head.
"Shoot." I hissed angrily.
"A-are you...." Stan stammered out.
"Am I who!?" I snapped. Then suddenly I heard a loud bang from the living room. Stan heard it as well.
"What was that?!" He called.
"Nothing!" Question mark's voice called back.
"Anyway, I'm who?" I asked Stanford.
I was getting frustrated at this point. Stan was just rambling on.
"HIM! HIM WHO!? WHO IS HIM!???!" I screamed at Stanford.
"Y-your...B-Bill. Bill Cipher." Shoot he did know it was me.
"Bill. Pretend you have no clue what he's talking about." Dipper said.
"Bill? Who's Bill?" I asked.
"Y-you are." Stammered Stanford. Oh I was so done with that man.
"Ah, so you figured it out, huh? You put all the pieces together? Since you know...I must...dispose of you."
My hands glowed with blue flames and I grabbed the rope, burning it. I leaped from the chair and lunged at Stan, pulling the hidden pocket knife back out. I slashed at his throat, but he pushed me off. I lunged at him again, driving the knife through his stomach. He howled in pain, and crouched down, blood dripping down his sides. I took this time to bring my knife up to his throat.
"Any last words?" I snickered. Stanford just looked down in defeat. I had won. I prepared to drive the blade into his neck, when someone grabbed me from behind. I spun around to see Wendy.
"HIYA!!" She yelled slapping the knife out of my hands.
"Wha?!" I gasped. She grabbed me by the throat and pinned my hands down. I struggled against her powerful grip, but couldn't get lose. Curse these stupid noodle legs. She pushed me to the ground, and pushed against my throat. I was losing air fast. Losing strength. Just needed to hold on. I weakly reached into the air, my vision growing fuzzy. Then she removed her hand from my airway. I sat up, and began gasping for air. My lungs burned. But I had held on to consciousness. I weakly felt around for the knife.
"Oh no you don't." Wendy said, holding up the knife. I weakly reached out for it. But that was the last of my strength. I sprawled forward, my vision becoming dark.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi guys! So Bill is making his move eh? But he's knocked out! For the time he's unconscious he could be locked in an asylum or something. I dunno. But he needs to wake up. Ok, so I actually need a helper in this story. I need a male character. So create a dude, and write a comment telling me about him. If you win this little contest your dude gets to be in the next chapter. To win the contest, answer this simple question.
What is Bill?
A. Illuminati
B. Dorito
C. A triangle
D. A banana
Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold BYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEE

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