The Asylum

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up in a large, dark room. I squinted, to see if I could find something. But the room was empty. I stood up, and began to walk forward. *CLANG* my arms pulled back, and I heard the clink of chains. I was chained to a wall.
"What the heck?!" I hissed, whipping around. I walked over to the wall, and tugged at the chains, trying to free them from the wall.
"Argh!' I growled in frustration. I pulled harder. But the chains wouldn't give. Pine Trees body was to weak.
"Pine Tree, where are we?" I asked Dipper.
"I don't know." His voice echoed through my head. I hissed angrily. How dare someone chain me up! I am the all powerful Bill Cipher! I yelled out in frustration, tugging as hard as possible at the chains.
"Let me go!" I yowled, as I slumped to the floor in defeat. Suddenly, a light turned on above me. I could see a figure standing on what looked like a balcony above me. I glared at him.
"Dipper Pines." He said, his voice ringing out through the empty chamber.
"You are currently in an asylum. You have been accused of attempted murder. Do you object?" I snarled at the man.
"Of corse not." I hissed.
"Then, Dipper Pines, you will spend the rest of your life rotting in this asylum. You, my friend, are insane."
"Sure I am, what's your point?" I growled at him. The man just ignored me, and turned away. The light flickered back off, and I was left in total darkness. I howled angrily, making the most inhuman sounds possible.
"Let me go!" I yowled.
"Cipher, you need to chill." Pine Tree said.
"Shut up." I muttered.
"Bill, not even an animal could make sounds as strange as the ones your making."
I growled, and laid back against the wall, where my chains connected to the wall. I closed my eyes. Even though dream demons don't sleep, mortals do. As I drifted out of consciousness a began to devise a plan.
***********************The next day*********************
I stretched my-er Pine Tree's stupid noodle legs. I yanked at the chains, just to see if maybe they had been unhooked or something. I growled angrily as they held tight. I hissed and howled, struggling with the chains. I was not going to give up that easily.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi guys I gotta publish dis fast CUZ mah iPad is 3 percent battery, reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold byyyyyeeeee

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