Chapter One

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"And having a kid."

There is silence so thick you can cut it with a knife.Vikk doesn't say anything and I find myself watching as Adam prepares some soup.I take a seat at the table where a salad,some orange juice,and an apple sit.As soon as I take a bite of my salad,Vikk responds,"Wait...marriage and a baby?" I let out an 'mhm'. "I've been out of the loop so long."

I hollowly laugh,"Well,I only found out about the pregnancy today.But I'd appreciate if you didn't tell the others.I'm waiting for the right moment to announce it."

He agrees,"Alright.Well,I gotta go now.See you later." He hangs up so quickly,I have no time to respond.I set my phone on the table,looking at it sadly.I eat my salad,expecting Vikk to call back.When Adam finishes making soup,he sets it on the table in front of me.I give him a smile to show thanks and he smiles back.I eat my salad,staring at the table with a lost expression.What's wrong with Vikk?He would never hang up so fast like that on a normal basis.Adam takes a seat next to me,wrapping his arm around me.

Adam mutters,"You okay?You look like you saw a ghost."

I croak,"Yeah.Just thinking about the conversation with Vikk.He sounded sad when I told him what's going on."

He assures me,"It's alright darling.He's probably okay." I nod,finishing my food.I take a sip of my orange juice and finally I feel full.I hold my stomach,lookingat Adam.I feel myself grin.

"Adam.A child.Our child.This is amazing."

He chuckles,"Yeah.It's our child.I'm so happy." He kisses me and I kiss back happily.

There's a knock on the door and he stands to get it.I sip on my orange juice and he swings the door open,revealing Daddy,with Tyler behind.Tyler mouths an 'I'm sorry' and I roll my eyes,knowing that he could have kept his mouth shut if he tried.Daddy asks,"So,a baby?And you learned this how long ago?"

Adam recalls,"About an hour ago."

Silence falls upon us.Daddy strides into the room,looking at me with those same sad eyes he had when he and Adam had argued.I set my cup down,prepared for the worst.He doesn't say a thing,making me worry intensly.He comes closer,hugging me.Surprised,I hug back.He whispers,"I'm so happy for you.This is actually happening.No way." He lets me go,kissing my forehead. "This is so exciting.Do you need me to get you anything?"

I sigh,"I just need to go to the doctor and get them to check this out." He nods,happy tears building up in his eyes.He grins,his smile wide like a child's.He starts leaving,but turns to Adam.

What he says is so amazing:

"You're going to be great parents."

When he leaves,Tyler whispers,"Sorry for telling him.He pried it out of me.

I smile,"It's okay.At least he's okay with it." Tyler closes the door and Adam wraps his arms around me,rocking me back and forth.

Adam murmurs,"Wanna watch Netflix?"

I exclaim,"Do we get Netflix here?!"

He shakes his head,"No."

I complain,"You got my hopes up."

He sighs,"Sorry.But,we can play Minecraft with the guys."

I agree and he grabs our laptops.I ring up the guys on Skype,waiting for them to answer.When they answer,I grin.I greet,"WHO LIKE MINECRAF?!"

Dad exclaims,"I LIKE MINECRAF!"


I rush out,"Wait,let me change first.I don't wanna wear this dress anymore." They agree to let me and I set the laptop on the bed,grabbing dark gray sweatpants and my baggy 'Who Like Minecraf' tee shirt.I pull on the sweatpants under my dress,pulling off the dress.I pull the tee shirt on,listening to Adam talking to them.

Adam grabs their attention,"So guys,we have a big announcement to make.We wanted to wait,but I don't think we can."

I sit back on the bed,setting the laptop on my lap.I announce,"I'm pregnant."

Mixed emotions in the Skype call,but mostly happiness.I rest my head on Adam's shoulder and he kisses the top of my head.Then one voice catches me off guard.

"Why the fuck would you let him get you pregnant?"

Kyle.I can't stand how he's treating Adam and I lately.Mad at me for marrying Adam,mad at Adam for being with me.I hand the laptop to Adam,afraid to say anything.I feel my tears build up.The man the once was my best friend is now a man that hates my guts.Adam counters,"Kyle,why are you so damn hard on Kailynn?She has done nothing but been kind to you.She offered her niceness and you threw it away because of her being with someone.That's low,even for you.Honestly,why be rude to someone just because they didn't go out with you?"

Kyle rebuts,"She shouldn't have walked into my life in the first place!I would have been just fine without her!" And with that,he leaves the Skype call.

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