Chapter Fifteen

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When I wake up,I climb out of bed with a weight on my shoulders.My heart is heavy as an anchor.I go into my drawers and pull out a pair of black pre-ripped jeans.I go into my closet and pull out a gray shirt with a skull on it.I dress in the bathroom and head out,slipping on my black and white checkered converse.I slip on my gray jacket and head downstairs.Adam sits on the couch with Dad and I sigh.I tell them,"I'm heading out." They look up at me and give a nonchalant nod.I head out,grabbing Adam's car keys and driving back to the cliff.What can I do?I need him here.

I sit on the edge of the cliff,using my magic to lift up some of the car pieces.I pull up Dad's body,holding his bloody figure in my arms.I whisper,"Mend eum qui captus ab anima vitam naufraga." I touch my fingertips to his forehead,hoping that my magic will do something.I use magic to lift him into the car,sitting him in the passenger seat.I drive him home,sitting out with him for a while.I turn towards him,hoping his eyes will open. "Dad,I need you.I know we weren't on good terms before but...I care a lot about you.Daddy cares a lot about you.You're important in our lives."

His figure doesn't stir.I know it's too late.I should have known my spell wouldn't work.I lift him with magic,laying him under the large oak tree in our backyard.Adam comes outside,looking at Dad while wrapping an arm around me.Kissing my forehead,Adam whispers,"He's in a better place."

I inform him,"I tried a spell.I'm not entirely sure if it worked but...I hope it did."


After two weeks,Dad is officially considered dead in our eyes.The guys who had said they wanted to move out have.They all went their separate paths,promising to come to the funeral.I can't believe they left.Now of all times.When they know they're needed.

I enter Dad's old room.An Endstone poster is hanging on his wall.There's a box labeled 'Unsold Po$h items'.Curiosity floods me,and I open the box.Hoodies designed after his Minecraft character,Merome teeshirts,Endstone teeshirts.I pick up the box,carrying it downstairs.Dad sits on the couch,clutching his hands together.He has been sitting there,unmoved,for days on end now.This time,he is dressed in a suit.I look down at my dress,a plain black dress with a box around the waist.The straps are not spaghetti thin but not covering my whole shoulder.

He sighs,"I guess we better head out then." I nod lightly and head upstairs to get Adam and Seto.Seto is dressed in a suit with a light blue tie,Adam the same except his tie is purple.I lift Seto up,resting him on my hip.

I mutter,"Time to leave."

We all get into Dad's car and he drives us to the funeral.Seto asks,"Mommy,is grandpa Mitch just sleeping?" I burst into tears,Adam wrapping his arms around me in a hug.Dad takes Seto away and I bury my head in Adam's chest.He walks me to the church and we take our seats in the first pew.The preacher speaks of how we are gathered to mourn the death of a well loved man.I look around.Many people here are youtubers I haven't spoken to.Felix Kjellberg,Toby Turner,Danny Edge.They had all taken seats in the back.

I finally tune in when the preacher says,"And now,his daughter will speak a eulogy." I stand,letting go of Adam's comforting hand.I walk up to the podium,staring out at everyone.

I start,"Hi everyone.My name is Kailynn Dahlberg." I clear my throat,feeling tears sting my eyes. "See,Mitch is not my original dad.He was the boyfriend of my adoptive father.And he was always a great man." I unfold a paper in which my eulogy was written,but fold it up and stare out at the crowd.I quote,"Funerals aren't for the dead.They're for the living.We all need time to grieve.I don't know what it was,his spunkiness or creativity,but I was always glad to say my dad was Mitchell Donald Ralph Hughes.He was always a sweet,caring person.I wish I could have spent more time with him.Maybe then I could have saved him." Tears are forcing themselves out now.I turn to Mitch's mother. "And ma'am,you had a wonderful son.I wish he was still with us."

With that,I take my seat next to Adam.The preacher continues,"And Mitchell's son-in-law." Adam steps up to the podium and I could tell he wanted to cry.

"Mitch was amazing.I wish that I hadn't argued with him in the past.I'm so glad that we got over our feuds but,right now I wish he was here.So he could see how many people are here and how many people care about him.My son...sitting in the front row.He doesn't know what's going on.And I wish I could tell him what's going on but I have the fear of making him depressed.I don't want him to turn out that way.Mitch was great.He could make anyone laugh or crack a smile.And I see the girls on his Facebook saying that he kept them from suicide.I wish they could have done the same for him."

Adam takes his seat next to me and we hold each other's hand again.

"And now,for his lover."

Dad stands,looking at everyone who's eyes have shifted towards him.

"Mitch was the love of my life.Without him,I would have had nothing.He inspired me to keep my beautiful daughter,he kept me close in his heart and always helped me through my problems.I remember watching him take Kailynn down the aisle.It was so beautiful.I wish that I didn't have to hear about him committing suicide.I wish this was all a dream and that soon I would be waking up with him right beside me like this was all a twisted dream.But sadly,it's not.It's a horrible reality that I don't think I could ever get over.Without my Mitch,without my handsome boyfriend,I'm lost.I don't know what to do with myself without him in my life.And sure,life will go on and time will pass.But there is nothing that I can do currently to get over him."

There were a couple of other people saying words before we went to the burial downtown.I watched as the casket was lowered.Ian threw glitter all over the place and I glared at him,knowing now is not an appropriate time to be throwing glitter.I wish I could have saved him.

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