Chapter Six

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--Time skip to wedding <3--

With Alyssa helping me adjust my dress,I smile into the body mirror.My stomach was pretty big by now.I slip into my flats and hold my bouquet.Alyssa slips the veil over my head and I turn to her.Tyler,Alyssa,and Kaelin are my bridesmaids.Yes,Tyler actually is a bridesmaid.He even decided to wear a dress questionable.I agreed with it though.My bridesmaids dresses are a light blue color.When I hear the music,I let the girls lead the way out,linking arms with dad.I follow behind,watching as Alyssa tosses the flowers down the isle.Everyone is smiling,Kyle even shedding a tear.Kyle seemed the most happy out of everyone surprisingly.When we got to the alter,the preacher speaks,"We are gathered here to witness to marriage of Adam Dahlberg and Kailynn Aceti.If anyone objects,speak now or forever hold your peace."

Silence is swept over the crowd for a moment before Clayton,or Cib,stands,shouting,"I OBJECT!" Gasps fill the church and I stare at him.His grayish blue eyes are focused on me. "I love you Kailynn!" I feel tears brimming in my eyes and I turn to face Adam,staring into his hazel eyes.Adam looks pissed.I drop hands with Adam and he looks at me,surprised.I run down the isle,locking myself behind the doors.I start crying.Why,of any day,does Clayton have to speak like this?Kaelin joins me outside,wrapping me in a hug.Soon we are joined by Clayton,quickly followed by Adam.Clayton holds my face in his hands. "Look at me.I love you darling.You are so beautiful and you deserve so much better than Adam."

I scooch past him to Adam,who shows remorse towards Clayton.Adam walks me back into the church and I use my makeup to make myself look normal.Kaelin discusses things with Cib before the join the crowd again.Kaelin calls,"CONTINUE WITH THE WEDDING!"

The preacher clears his throat and continues,"Adam Dahlberg,do you take this woman to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

Adam grins,"I do."

The preacher turns to me. "And do you,Kailynn Aceti,take this man to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live? "

I feel myself tearing up as I respond,"I do."

The preacher grins. "Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Adam presses his lips to mine and I listen to the cheers as I kiss Adam happily,wrapping my arms around his neck.When we pull away,we look at the applauding crowd.Daddy,applauding in the front row,cries,"My baby girl is growing up!She's a married woman now!" He buries his head into dad's shoulder and dad wraps an arm around him.

Clearing his throat,the preacher announces,"The bride and groom shall now cite the vows they have written.The bride shall go first." Adam backs up and I look out at the crowd,pulling out a folded sheet of paper which had what I wanted to say.I then fold the paper back up,deciding not to read from it.

I speak,"This man,Adam Dahlberg,has been the love of my life forever.When he first entered my life I knew that this was the guy I wanted to be with.I knew about him before I even met him,when I was watching his YouTube videos.It all seemed crazy when I met him and he goes 'Wanna be my girlfriend?'.That's like,ladies,if Brad Pitt walked up to you and asked you out.Adam is the sweetest,most crazy fun and exciting man I have ever met.I would never have gotten the chance to call him mine if my dads had not taken me into their family,so I thank them." I tear up,wiping tears from my eyes. "Adam,I love you.I don't know how many times I've told you and I don't know how many more times I will tell you but,I know there will be a time,when we're old and gray,and I will make sure I get the last I love you." The crowd applauds and I back away,Adam stepping up.

Adam sighs,"So,this is kinda improved.But,hey,I'll take a stab at this.So,Kailynn,I love you so much.And I know we tell each other like,every single day,that we love each other but I feel like I haven't told you enough.When I told your dad that I wanted to marry you he said a simple sentence that made my heart skip a beat.He said 'Go for it'.And the day I proposed,I felt my heart leap out of my chest when I saw the ring slip on your finger and I was so happy.And even through all the tough times you were there for me.Through thick and thin.When you first started speaking to me I was at my lowest times and pulled me away from that.I could never thank you enough for being in my life.Now that you're in my life,I never want you to leave." I could see tears forming in his eyes and rush over to hug him.He chuckles,tears slowly falling. The crowd applauds.

Kyle shouts,"YOU GO ADAM!"

After a while,the girls line up.I turn my back to them,closing my eyes and tossing the bouquet.I hear Tyler shout,"I GOT IT!WOO!TY,LOOKS LIKE YOU GOTTA PUT A RING ON IT BABY!" I turn to Ty,who seemed to be going a bright red.Tyler laughs and they hug,Ty spinning Tyler around.

Adam whispers,"Husband and wife.This is so amazing."

The music comes on and the first song to play is Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls.Adam takes my hands and leads me out to the dance floor.I wrap my arms around his neck and he rests his hands on my waist.He and I sway lightly,spinning in a circle.He sings,"And I don't want the world to see me 'cause I don't think that they'd understand."

I rest my head on his shoulder,letting him rock me side to side and spin us in a circle.This all feels like a dream.I get to marry the man of my dreams and have a child with him.He's told everyone that I helped him through is tough times and and he asked my dad if he could marry me.Tapping on his shoulder,daddy asks,"Can I have this dance?" Adam,letting me go,smiles at him.Daddy takes my hands and dances with me. "I'm so proud of you sweetie.You're all grown up now.It makes me so happy but I always want you to be my baby girl."

I laugh,"I'll always be your baby girl,daddy.I'll always be your little girl.Even if you hadn't been in my life forever,I'm glad you're here with me now." I could see tears building up in his eyes and he lets me go,walking over to dad.

Daddy cries,"Mitch,my baby girl is so grown up now.She said she's always going to be my baby girl and it's so tear-jerking!"

Seto approaches me,"Kay?" I smile at him as he removes his cape.He wears a suit underneath it.He brushes his brown hair away from his face. "I'm so happy for you.Adam and you together are so perfect.I'm so glad he proposed." He hugs me tightly and I laugh,hugging him.When he lets me go,he joins Ian.Ian and him dance separately and I use my magic to shove Seto into Ian,causing him to send me a dirty look.I smile,waving lightly.Vikk starts making his way towards me and I look around awkwardly,remembering the last conversation I had with him.I had told him about the child.

Vikk asks,"Are you okay?" I nod lightly. "Look,when we last spoke.I didn't mean to be so awkward about it.I just didn't know that you guys were having a child and--"

I cut off,"It's alright Icky Vikky."

He grins,"Lady Kay.Just,don't ever let people know I called you a lady.I'm suppose to think your an annoying little brat." I roll my eyes,rejoining Adam.He wraps his arm around me and I grin.

Adam,kissing my forehead,mutters,"This is the best day of my life." I grin,using my magic to change the music to Best Day Of My Life by American Authors.Everyone,holding up drinks of Pepsi and water,sings along,laughing.


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