Chapter Eleven

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As I lay close to Adam,I could feel my heart get lighter.I feel myself drift off into a wonderful,well deserved slumber.

The dream <3

I was laying in bed.Adam is nowhere in sight.I sit up,looking for him in the room.Nowhere.I don't seem to panic though.He's probably okay.A gust of wind blows open my window and I turn to see a face from my childhood.Peter Pan.I grin,"Peter?!Is that you?"

He smiles,"Yep!And I've come to take you to Neverland." He offers a hand to me which I accept.With a leap,he's flying me out into the night's air.


Peter chuckles,"Of course.To Neverland."

Adam's POV because reasons:

I hear Kay's breath become steady.I look to see her eyes closed in a beautiful sleep.God,she's adorable sleeping.She whispers,"Neverland." Ha,must be dreaming about Peter Pan.Suddenly,her breathing is slow gasps for air.Like she's having problems.I lift Seto off her chest,but still her breathing is shaky.

I call up the stairs,"JEROME!COME DOWN HERE PLEASE!" He comes down the steps quickly,looking at my worried expression. "Look,we need to get Kay help.She started falling asleep but her breathing is shaky.Like she's trying to grasp air in her lungs." Jerome scoops her up in his arms,pulling out his cell phone and calling someone.I take Seto upstairs,afraid to let him see what's going on.

He asks,"Mommy?" 

I whisper,"Shh.Mommy is going to be okay."

He calls,"MOOMMMY?!"

I hush,"Shh.Mommy's okay.She's just sleeping."

He questions,"Mommy sleepy?"

I agree,"Yeah.Mommy sleepy." I lay him in his crib and he hugs his teddy bear.I hope she's okay so badly.I don't want Seto to grow up motherless.Someone enters the room and I turn to see Jason.

Jason asks,"What's going on?I just heard you scream for Jerome and that was it."

Seto tells him,"Mommy sleepy." Jason looks at him for a minute before looking at me to confirm.

I take Jason by the shoulder and whisper,"She was having problems breathing after she fell asleep.She said something about Neverland but I don't know what's going on.Jerome is getting her help."

He nods,"Do you want me to watch Seto?" I nod and he smiles,watching over Seto while I rush downstairs.I take Kay from Jerome's arms,rocking her back and forth like a child.

Jerome mutters in my ear,"She's gonna be alright.I called a hospital and they're going to bring oxygen tanks for her.It's going to be alright,Adam." I kiss her forehead.Too many times she has faced almost death.I run my finger over the gauze on her arm,remembering the shark attack.I had let her get bit by the shark.It was my fault.Is it my fault she can't breathe?

Jerome's POV:

I could tell Adam was scared.He held her,whispering how everything wrong with her is his fault.I try to comfort him but he won't accept it.Just like when Seto had used his magic to bring her back to life.He just won't talk to anyone.There's a knock on the front door and I rush to get it.Paramedics rush in,holding oxygen tanks.Kailynn is lifted from Adam's arms and laid on the couch.They hook up an oxygen mask to her and make her breathing steady.It takes about twenty minutes before they confirm she'll be okay and she just needs the mask.

One of the paramedics approaches me and asks,"Has she any medical history?"

I recall,"She was in the hospital recently in labor.She also had been bitten by a shark." The person nods,writing this down on a paper.

She asks,"What's your relation with the woman?"

I nod,"She's my adoptive daughter."

"And her mother?"

I look up the stairs,"Mitchell Hughes."

Mitch starts walking towards us,looking at Kay's fragile figure.He asks,"What's going on?"

I tell him,"Mitch,babe.We're getting Kay some help.She fell asleep and her breathing got bad."

The woman tuns towards him,"This is her...mother?"

I shrug,"Well,he's also her adoptive father.No mother."

She questions,"So who was her biological mother?"

I recollect,"I believe she was Maria Wenz.Although she was sent to prison." The lady nods and turns toward Kay.She doesn't say anything else,walking out of the house.The other paramedic tells me to keep her on the oxygen tank for two more days and she'll be okay.Adam rests his forehead on hers,not saying a word.Mitch rubs his back in circles as Adam takes her left hand,looking at the rings sparkling in the light.

Adam whispers,"Why does this always fucking happen?"

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