Chapter Twenty-One

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After spending the rest of the day with them,we all head to sleep for tomorrow.


I watch as Seto runs out to the bus stop.I have on galaxy pants and a Batman tee shirt with black Doc Martens.Adam answers the phone when it rings,turning towards me with a raised eyebrow.Adam speaks,"Yes,this is Seto's father.Who is this?Mhm.Okay.You wish for us to come in?When?Twelve o'clock,got it.Alright.See you then." When he hangs up,I cock my head to the right. "That was hte principal of Seto's school.They want us to come in.

I sigh,"What could they possibly want?"

Adam shrugs,"Maybe it's about him using magic.I don't know...but it's obviously not alright."

Jerome comes down the stairs,asking,"Do you guys wanna film a Hunger Games?" I nod slightly,agreeing.We climb up the stairs and log onto the Nexus,playing a couple Hunger Games.I set to editing when eleven forty-five rolls around and I tell Adam we should head out.He agrees and I slip my galaxy beanie on my head,tucking my phone in my back pocket.We get into the car with him driving to the school,considering I didn't have the slightest clue where to drive.We pull into the parking lot and walk up,heading to the office door.We open the door when they give us the go ahead,stepping inside.

The principal's voice rings,"Mr. and Mrs. Dahlberg,please,come inside my office." We walk through the office to the principal's room,taking seats in the chairs across from his desk.The golden name tag reads 'Mr. Welsh' and I look at Adam,raising an eyebrow,causing him to shrug.Mr. Welsh takes his seat,smiling lightly. "Nice to see you,Adam and Kailynn?" We nod,confirming those are our names. "I'm Johnathon.I would like to speak to you about Seto."

I ask,"Has Seto done anything to get in trouble?"

Johnathon chuckles,"Oh,no!Not at all.Seto is a very excellent student and the teachers and students love him!But,as you might be aware,yesterday he had performed some sorcery which...concerned many students his age.Would you care to explain?"

Adam nods,"Well,sir,Kailynn was born with these powers,she did not create them or anything,but it runs in her family.So,as it would have it,Seto had her magic in his genes.As we were told by a friend who knows of these things,he said there was a small chance of Seto being born with powers,since Kailynn only has magic on her father's side,but fate had favored in Seto developing those powers."

The principal nods,"Yes,yes.Well,as it is very unlikely Seto would use them to harm somebody,it still is a possibility.We think it would be in everyone's best interest if you home-schooled Seto."

I shake my head,"Oh,no sir.I'm afraid we can't do that.I can't teach Seto these things!Sir,I don't know how I could teach these things to him.I only teach magic,sir.He doesn't even know any harm spells.I know that for a fact.I've locked up all the books that contain harmful spells and never taught them to him."

Johnathon raises an eyebrow,"Are you sure?I don't want the students and teachers to think of him as a threat."

I nod,"Of course.I know.He wouldn't even harm a fly.They should just treat him like a normal student."

Johnathon nods.He comments,"Well,how have you been lately?You look very...healthy."

I smile,"I have been alright.I'm having a daughter soon."

He questions,"Do you think she'll have magic like you?"

I shrug,"That's unknown yet.If she is,I can assure you,she won't be a threat."

He nods and we all look at each other,eventually closing the conversation with Adam and I leaving.When we get out,I sit down in the passenger seat,sighing heavily.Adam asks,"You alright baby girl?"

I shake my head,"I don't know Adam.It's been stressful these past few days.I really enjoyed yesterday though.It was great to be able to record and things...those are some of my favorite things to do with you guys.Just relax like it was back then.When we could vlog and things without getting distracted.But now we have Seto to care for,and a new daughter.How are we suppose to have a normal life like this?"

He shrugs,"I don't know.But trust me Kailynn,it's going to be okay.We have the guys as our friends.And your family.I'm sure Brandon wants to stop by.I don't think we ever introduced Seto to Brandon yet,so we should do that this weekend.Have a family get together of sorts?"

I smile,"That would be wonderful.I would love to get the family together.I haven't seen much of anyone.The guys coming over yesterday is the most I see of family.I hardly use magic anymore,either.Only if it's to show Seto something."

The back door of the car opens and Seto hops inside.I turn around to look at him,smiling.He greets,"Hey mom,hey dad.School was good." Adam starts up the car and starts driving home as Seto tells us about his day.Normal things,but since he's in the Gifted Program,it seems like nonsense,seeing as I was in basic classes when I was younger.When Adam pulls up in the driveway,we see Cilia sitting on the porch.Seto runs up to her and she pulls him in a hug. "AUNT CILIA!SO GREAT TO SEE YOU!"

Cilia giggles,"Nice to see you too Seto.You got work to do?" He nods,heading inside happily.We follow after him slowly and Cilia pulls me in a hug when I get to the porch. "Hey Miss. Pregnant."

I laugh,"Well hello not pregnant lady." She rolls her eyes and we all head inside.I lay down on the couch as she helps Seto with the magic I'm suppose to teach him today.Adam brings me chocolate which I politely refuse.I don't want to get any more fat than I already am.I rub my stomach,content with the process with the baby,although it has been giving be back problems lately.Adam takes a seat,lifting up my head and resting it on his lap.I smile up at him,feeling to tired to do anything.I yawn,"Wake me up for dinner."

Adam chuckles,"Alright baby girl.See you when you wake up."

With that,I drift off into a dreamless sleep.

—da dream—

I'm alone in a dark room.My stomach isn't as large as it use to be,though I'm still visibly pregnant.Jordan approaches me,his black hair gelled up to look fancy.Before I time to react,he pulls out a knife from behind his back and stabs me in the stomach,causing me to let out a screech in pain.I yell,"MY BABY!MY LITTLE GIRL!WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!"

He chuckles,"You should have came back to me.You should have kissed me instead of Adam after walking down that isle.It should have been ME proposing to you after six damn months of being with you.Having a son with you.But it wasn't.It was DAMN Adam.And now Adam will pay for it to."

Adam's figure is brought into view.Beaten,bruised,and he looks like he's been crying.Jordan takes his knife,drawing it along Adam's throat,digging it in deeper and deeper each time as he slices his throat.Seto is trapped in a cage,watching in horror as Adam bleeds out slowly,eventually dying.

—end dream—

I wake up,panting,wrapping my arms around my stomach protectively.Luckily it was all just a dream.

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