Chapter Three

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I wake up halfway through the plane ride and look around,plugging my earbuds into my ears.I listen to Panic! At The Disco on my iPod,not really caring if anyone talks to me.I stare at the seat in front of me,rolling my head as the kid in the seat behind me kicks the back of my seat.I turn to Adam who seems to be watching 300.I rest my head on his shoulder,having his presence comfort me.He kisses the top of my head and I feel myself smile.I Write Sins Not Tragedies and I lip the words,trying not to annoy anyone.

"What a beautiful wedding," I mouth. "What a beautiful wedding says a bridesmaid to a waiter.It's just a shame the bride's a whore."

Adam,pulling out one of my earbuds,sings,"I chime in with a haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door no?" When I raise an eyebrow,he whispers,"You kind of were singing a little loud.My expression softens and he chuckles,kissing my nose. I feel myself drifting off again but keep my eyes open with a fear of falling asleep forever.One of the flight attendants walks by with the snack cart.I ask for some peanuts,a blueberry muffin,and apple juice.She smiles,handing it to me.

A voice over the intercom announces,"Dinner will be served in fifteen minutes.The plane lands in about an hour." I munch on my snacks,feeling like my stomach is empty.Adam lets me lean on him and I feel myself clutching his hand tightly.

I whisper,"God Adam.Children just take up all the food." He rolls his eyes,chuckling.All I remember after that is eating dinner and falling asleep


When I wake up,I look into Adam's beautiful eyes.I feel the plane jerk forward and I cling to his arm.He kisses me lightly on the nose,smiling.We grab our bags,hopping off the plane.We grab a ride to the house and relax,not ready to unpack.I groan,"I just wanna dye my hair and get a piercing before I have a kid!"

Adam grins,"Well,why don't I call my friend Alesa?She can give you a piercing and dye your hair."

I smile,"That'd be cool."

So Adam calls this Alesa girl and she says she'll be over in fifteen minutes.I head upstairs,changing into a pair of skinny jeans and a white tank top covered by a black,white,and gray flannel.When I run downstairs,I see Adam with a strange girl and I assume that's Alesa.She's beautiful,a sun tattoo on her shoulder with bright red hair.She smiles at me,introducing,"Hi!I'm Alesa.You must be Kailynn!" I nod,greeting her with a hug. "So,your Adam's..."

"Fiancè," I finish.She nods,not saying a word.She sits me down in a chair and asks me how I want myself to be styled. "Well,I want shark bites for piercings and dying my hair with turquoise,magenta,and violet." She grins and sets to work,dying my hair with the different colors.Once finished,she lets the dye set in while piercing me with the shark bites.Once finished,I grin.She washes out my hair once she knows it's ready and I play with my newly dyed hair.Adam hugs me from behind.

Adam mutters,"You still look beautiful as ever." Alesa's face becomes red as she looks at Adam and I.She nods curtly,not saying a word.She leaves in a hurry,causing Adam to follow after her.I stand in place for a moment,unsure of what to do.When I walk towards the door,I'm unsure of what to expect.I swing it open to see Adam and Alesa hugging.Oh,just a hug.No big deal.Not noticing I'm standing RIGHT THERE,she kisses his cheek and snuggles into his chest.I walk out towards them and they jump apart.

As I look at Adam,I could feel tears stinging my eyes.His face showed fear and he knew that I'm upset.I cross my arms over my chest and he looks between Alesa and I.I run inside,causing him to chase after me.I lock myself in my room,staring at the wall.A familiar small dove with green particles flies into my room,sending a shiver down my spine.Cilia takes a seat on my bed next to me.Wrapping an arm around me,she asks,"What's wrong cous?"

I sniffle,"Nothing.It's just...nothing."

She shakes,"Now I know it's not nothing.Come on.Tell little Cil."

I explain,"So Adam and I are engaged,okay?And there's this girl,Alesa.She had kissed him and he hadn't done anything.When I walk out to him,he just looks at me."


And with that,she storms out of my room.I follow after her,unsure of what she's doing.Her eyes light up with a fiery passion and flames burn from her hands.Her eyes look on Adam as she raises a fist.I clutch her arm and she looks at me,her expression softening.She turns back to Adam and she lights up again,the fire glowing bright.Using my magic,I extinguish the fire.She pushes her blonde hair so it still frames her face.Pointing to Adam,she screams,"YOU JUST COME IN HERE AND BREAK MY COUSIN'S HEART?!AND YOUR FREAKING ENGAGED!"

Tears fall from Adam's cheek and he sobs,"I know.I know,I shouldn't have let Alesa get close to me like that.Kailynn,my darling,my love.I will always love you,you know that!You have our child for Pete's sake!"

Turning to me,Cilia questions,"Pete's sake?Like,Uncle Pete?" I shake my head and she walks over to me,hugging me. "Maybe we should go see Uncle Pete for the weekend.That'd be okay with you,right?" I nod slightly,letting tears leak down my cheeks.She and I both transform into birds,me choosing a bluejay and her a dove.We fly out of the house,taking off to where Uncle Pete is.

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