Chapter Four

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Of course,Uncle Pete's real name isn't Pete.It's Brandon.But everyone calls him Pete.I think he's gotten so used to being called Pete that he rarely knows someone is talking to him when they say Brandon.So fly into his house,unmorphing.Brandon,happy to see Cilia,hugs her.When he lets her go,he blinks at my figure.He asks,"Kailynn?Your alive?" I nod,smiling.He pulls me into a hug,laughing. "I missed you so much!Ever since your dad died,I haven't seen you in so long!"

I giggle,"Well,now I'm not Kailynn Wenz.Unofficially,I am a Dahlberg,officially,I am an Aceti."

He questions,"So,Jerome's your dad now?" I nod. "Wow,he hasn't told me he adopted you." I find myself not knowing what to say.I haven't seen him in so long.The last I seen him was before my dad died when I was six.Back then I was just the brown haired,brown eyed,short niece he had known.Now look at me.Hair dyed,pierced lip.I could feel the awkwardness when my phone rings.I step away from him,answering the phone.

"Hello hello hello," A familiar Brit greets me.

I ask,"Kk?Is that you?"

She laughs,"You bet your ass it's me!Guess who's flying out to America and is arriving tomorrow?"

I gasp,"You did not!"

She contradicts,"I did so.See you tomorrow you beautiful engaged bitch."

I roll my eyes as she hangs up.I tuck my phone in my pocket.She is literally amazing.My best friend,Kaelin.She always looked like a nerd in school,and still does to be honest.But she can kick ass if she has to.That's what I find amazing about her.I go back to Uncle Pete.Cilia explains everything to him and I just nod sometimes when he turns to me to confirm what she's saying.He suggests,"Why don't you just sleep in my guest room for tonight?" I nod and scurry up the stairs,crawling into the bed.I curl up,drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

I awaken to someone knocking on my door. "Miss. Aceti," a formal voice calls. "Sir. Pete has called for you for breakfast." I mumble a yes and climb out of bed.I approach the vanity,brushing out my hair.When I leave the bedroom,a woman I don't know escorts me downstairs.She's dressed in a maid costume though. "Sir. Pete is glad you have made his acquaintance last night.He had told me how he hasn't seen you in over ten years.And that now you're engaged and pregnant,which he finds fascinating." I nod lightly.She shows my to a dining room where elegant food has been strewn across the table.

Brandon nods,"Thank you for bringing her Penelope." She nods lightly,leaving.A man in a formal suit hands me a plate full of food.I eat with no objection,feeling myself become full with little food consumed. "Benedict,thank you for serving food."

I exclaim,"BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH?!" Benedict shakes his head,chuckling.After finishing breakfast,I turn to my uncle.

He smiles,"Dear niece.I think Rob said he was going to drive you home.When you are ready,just call for him." I nod,standing up and dismissing myself from the table,going back to my room.I brush my teeth.I call for Rob and he drives me home in awkward silence.When we arrive at the Team house,I get out of the car and he drives away.Besides the two cars that belong here,a third car is parked.When I walk towards the house,I see my beautiful friend Kaelin.Her hair has it's natural brown and blonde streaks.Her black nerd glasses perch on her nose perfectly.She is dressed up to be Tyler,seeing as she knows how to work with having the nerd glasses.She rarely wears her contacts because she hates taking them out and putting them in.

She greets,"Hello beautiful pregnant lady!"

I smile,"Hey Kk.You look beautiful as always." She and I go inside.Adam is passed out on the couch,Netflix brought up on the television.Attack On Titan Is there but not playing.He rolls over,his eyes opening slightly.His eyes widen upon sight of me and he gets up,walking over and hugging me.

He whispers,"Oh my God Kay I am so sorry.I was such a jerk and I--"

"It's okay," I cut off. "Alesa was just...I don't know." I shove away from the hug. "Adam,you don't need to apologize.But the thing is,you shouldn't have let Alesa get to you like that.You saw me and you hadn't done anything.You didn't even look apologetic.You looked more afraid.And THAT'S what bugged me."

He nods,biting his lip.Kaelin awkwardly intterupts,"Well this is awkward."

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