Chapter Twenty-Two

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The days that followed had been very eventful.Jordan had stopped by,trying to ruin the relationship once again.But we had stopped him and eventually we found a way to make him our friend.I had given birth to my healthy baby girl,naming her Alyssa Cilia Dahlberg.Growing up,Seto had been the protective older brother that I knew he would be.Adam and I grew old together and when the children were old enough,they moved out.They stopped by occasionally,and I'll never forget the year they brought grandchildren with them.I was so proud to say that I had grandchildren of my own.

Today was one of the best and worst days of my life.I lay in a hospital bed next to Adam.Instead of letting my hair get gray,I constantly dyed it.Now it was shimmering a bright red.Adam had stuck to dying his hair brown.Adam kisses my hand,smiling.He confirms,"I said forever and always.And I meant it.I'm not leaving you."

I look down at the shimmering silver rings on my ring finger.Given to me by this amazing man.I smile,"Adam Simon Dahlberg,I'm not leaving your side either."

Adam chuckles,"Kailynn Rose Dahlberg,this has been a good run." We both stare up at the roof,clutching each other's hands.I get up from my bed,shaky.I move my machine over with me,laying in Adam's bed and curling up in his arms.

I breathe,"If I'm going to die,I want to die in your arms." Adam plants a kiss on my forehead and the hospital door opens,revealing Seto,his wife Brianna,and his two children,twins named James and Jeffrey.

James greets,"Hey grandma,grandpa."

I smiles,"Hey kiddos.Come give us hugs." Adam and I pull James and Jeffrey into a group hug.When we pull away,I hug Brianna.I remember the letter that she wrote to Seto in fourth grade.It was such a sweet day.Adam and I's ten year anniversary

Brianna whispers,"How long?"

I shrug,"Possibly a couple hours.I lost track of time." Opening the door,in walks Alyssa and her wife Grace.Grace hugs me lightly,hugging Adam next.Grace had pulled Alyssa in a hug as she cries.Their daughter Jen had followed behind lightly.The teenage girl who had constantly dyed her hair like I did now has lavender hair color.She hugs James and Jeffrey,knowing what's going on.She sits down on the edge of the bed,looking at Adam and I.

Jen sighs,"Nan,pap.I'm going to miss you a lot.I love you two so much.My moms always tell great stories of you,and they always make me laugh.And sometimes I watch your old YouTube videos.They're amazing.I want to make people laugh like that."

I take her hand,"You will.I promise you.Just act like an idiot in front of a camera,that's what we did."

Adam laughs,"Don't do that!You're videos will be amazing no matter how light hearted or serious they are."

Alyssa takes a seat next to Jen. "Could you tell the story of how you met again?" Alyssa asks.

I walk them through the story.How I ran away from home.How Jerome saved me.How I met the team.How I became friends with all of them immediately.How I fell in love with Adam.I tell stories of the wedding.Dancing to Iris by Goo Goo Dolls.Going through Seto's birth.Everything that I could recollect.And as I hear Adam's heart monitor slow down,I whisper,"And that was the story of us." I lay down in Adam's arms and listen as the heart monitor for him stops.I give a final breath before mine stops as well,darkness surrounding me.

As I walk into the light,I see Adam.He looks like when I first met him.Hair long in his face,scars on his wrist.He takes my hand and we walk through our memories.Going to Amsterdam.Going to London.The fair in town when he proposed.Our Hawaii trip.Everything.Adam holds me in an embrace as I feel white light surrounding me.He kisses my forehead.Adam's sweet voice tells me,"I said forever and always.We'll always be together.Even in death,you will always be with me.We vowed 'til death do us part."

I smile,"And I wouldn't have it any other way.I love you Adam."

He grins,"I love you too Kailynn."

The End


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