Chapter Thirteen

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Dad comes downstairs and I look at him with expecting eyes.Is there something he needs?He nods,"Adam,Kailynn,Ian.There's something I need to tell you." We all take a seat on the couch and he takes a deep breath. "Jerome and I were planning on adopting another kid,but we weren't sure if we should." I look at Adam,unsure of how to respond.A kid?I mean,I'm not against it.Although,it'd be more difficult.I mean,we already are caring for Seto.They all know that I'm struggling to care for him.

I note,"Dad,that's a big responsibility.You have to care for him or her,give them your attention,and such.Have you seen me with Seto?"

Adam jumps in,"She hasn't been able to sleep well.She's been sleeping for a couple minutes then waking up worried.I don't know how many times I found her asleep by the crib."

Dad nods,"I know.That's why we aren't sure."

I sigh,"It'd be difficult.And since Adam and I both work for YouTube it's difficult for us to care for him,so I think it'd be difficult to care for your kid.I was actually thinking..." I stop myself before I get there.

Ian asks,"What were you thinking?"

I admit,"I was actually thinking of quitting YouTube.I can't care for a kid and this job myself.It's a tough job.I never thought it would be this difficult but,I realize that it is now.And that fact that I have no time to record and edit is even more stressing.I don't know what to do." I feel tears starting to roll down my cheeks.I look at Adam helplessly,unsure of what to do.He pulls me in for a tight hug,rubbing my back.He kisses my forehead lightly.

He whispers,"It's going to be okay baby.I promise you.Are you sure you want to quit?"

I shake my head,"I don't want to quit.But I feel like I have to."

We all sit in silence for a moment,not doing anything.I finally get out of Adam's grip,heading upstairs.I go into Seto's room,seeing Jason sitting in the rocking chair with Seto on his lap,both of them sleeping.I lift Seto up,cradling him in my arms.Jason's eyes open slightly,looking at me tiredly.I whisper,"Thank you for caring for him Jason."

He nods,"It's no problem.Are you okay?"

"I don't know," I breathe. "This is all stressful.I love this family that I have's ruining my career.I think I'm alright though." He rubs my back before heading out of the room.I slide into the rocking chair,rocking back and forth.Seto's eyes open and he smiles at me with a mischievous smile like his dad has.

He giggles,"Mommy awake?"

I laugh lightly,"Mommy awake."

He questions,"Mommy nose plugs?"

I nod,"Mommy has nose plugs."

He pokes my nose,"Mommy has big nose.Does pappy have big nose?"

I laugh,"Pappy Bacca has big nose too." I stand,taking him over to Daddy's room.I knock on the door,causing him to open it.He removes the headphones from his ears,resting them around his neck.

Seto agrees,"Pappy Bacca has big nose."

Daddy laughs,"Is this why you brought him in here?" I partiallly nod,stepping into the room.He unplugs the headphones from his computer,playing the song he was listening to.

The person sweetly sings,"Still there's nothing I wouldn't do to trade places with you.The zombies chase,we run.We're scared,this is not fun.We carry our love to the Endstone.Prepare for launch right now.The dragon knew,what how?Remember our love in the Endstone."

I sing along,"It's time to get away and start a new home.And I'm ready to take off with you.Yeah,we're going far away.To the place of endstone.I'd give my life to trade places with you."

I look at daddy,remembering when I had a moment like that.

He rushes,"Well...well maybe we can save him!If we call an ambulance or..." Knowing it's useless,he collapses.I sob,not knowing what else to do.Ian is one of my best friends.An idea hits me.I remember a spell that I read in one of Seto's spellbooks.Da mihi hanc vitam anima evanuit.It would kill me and restore life to Ian.Sure,I would be dead,but at this point I don't care.I start whispering the spell but Jerome stops me,covering my mouth. "You're not killing yourself for him.You may miss him but that would be extreme."

Moving his hand away from my mouth,I yell."EVANUIT!"

Daddy's eyes widen and I shake my head,unsure of what to say.He nods lightly and I look down at Seto.He doesn't need to know what happened back then.That was the past and this is now.That is nothing that needs to be repeated.Seto giggles,"Where daddy?"

I tell him,"Daddy is downstairs."

He asks,"We go downstairs?"

I smile,"Okay."

I carry him downstairs.Adam sits on the couch,staring at the wall.Dad had gone somewhere and Ian had moved somewhere as well.I take a seat next to Adam and Seto crawls onto his lap.Adam looks up at me,smiling.Seto pokes Adam in the nose,causing Adam to do the same to him.Seto laughs and squeezes Adam's nose,telling him,"Mommy has big nose.You have not big nose.Do I have big nose?"

Adam laughs,"You don't have a huge nose.It might be a little big." Seto covers his nose,causing me to laugh.

I cut in,"You're nose is not too big.I mean,look at my nose." He grabs my nose,squishing it like it's a clown's nose.I laugh as he laughs.He's just entirely weird.

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