Chapter Nineteen

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As Seto focuses on his potion brewing,I smile lightly at the letter.He looks at me,raising an eyebrow.With one snap,the letter disappears.I,however,know that the letter teleported upstairs to my room on my bed.He stares at me,amazed,asking,"How did you do that?"

I smile,"Not all magic..." Snapping my fingers,the letter reappears in my hand. "Needs words.It's something more advanced,but you are able to do magic without saying words."

He looks at me eagerly,"Could you teach me?" I take a seat next to him,holding the letter out in my open palm.He looks at it for a moment,confused. "What about it?" Staring at it,I think ,'Haec epistola peregrinatione ad cameram meam super stratum meum' (Send this letter to my room on my bed), which is a teleportation spell.In a fraction of a second,the letter is sent back to my room on my bed.He stares at my palm,obviously in thought of how I did that.He squints and suddenly,the letter reappears.He smiles at me,proud that he figured it out.

I grin widely,"See,you got it.You didn't need me to explain.Take notes." He opens his sorcery notebook,writing down '如何做无言的魔法:魔法认为' (How to do wordless spells:think spells).I nod,content with his writing.I had taught him different languages,from writing,to speaking.Latin is used for the spells that he does,Chinese for note taking.Sometimes we'll talk in other languages to confuse the others.Seto enjoys lessons like this with me.

Adam trots down the stairs,asking,"How's it going?"

I turn towards him,"It's going great.I just taught him how to do wordless spells." I turn back to Seto. "Avete compiti da fare? (Do you have any homework?)"

Seto responds,"Solo la matematica e la scienza. (Only mathematics and science)"

I nod,"Andare e farlo poi. (Then you better go do it)" He nods and walks upstairs,leaving Adam and I alone.Adam takes a seat where Seto once was,and I adjust the trim of my light blue dress.Adam smiles,taking my hand and kissing it.

Adam grins,"Sweetie,you are so beautiful.As always.I love you so much and I'm glad we've been together these ten years."

I raise an eyebrow,"Why do I get the feeling you're going to tell me something bad?"

He chuckles,"No!No,baby girl.Everything is okay.I wanted to let you know Happy Anniversary and Valentine's Day.You are such an amazing wife and a great mother.I am so proud of you.Why don't we go upstairs?" I nod lightly and he takes my hand,leading me upstairs.Upstairs,Jerome and Mitch stand together,Mitch's arm around Jerome.They just stand there,smiling.Then,suddenly,the rest of the guys appear.I cover my mouth in surprise.

They all shout,"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!"

I feel tears of joy brimming in my eyes as I stare at them.Jason hits the play button on a radio and Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls plays.I look at Adam,laughing.He takes my hands and leads me into the room,dancing with me.Quentin takes his wife Annie onto the floor,and Ian with Maddison.Jason,with his wife whom I haven't met,dance while his daughter Brianna sits on the couch.Jerome and Mitch are the last to join in on the dancing,laughing.Jerome just so happened to be wearing a dress.

After dancing,Seto comes downstairs and I turn to him,Adam having his arm around me.I laugh,"Come here Seto.The whole family is here!"

Seto asks,"What about Kyle,Tyler,Ty,and Alyssa?" I turn back to the crowd.They hadn't arrived,I notice.As well as Kaelin and Cilia.Important parts of my life are not here.There's a knock on the door and Ian opens it,revealing the people missing.

Alyssa shouts,"DO YOU THINK I'D LET YOU CELEBRATE YOUR TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY WITHOUT US?!" I laugh and they come inside,gathering us in a group hug.We all celebrate,going outside by the pool.I relax in the shallow end while others swim happily in the deep end.Adam wraps his arms around me and I smile,kissing him.

Adam asks,"Is this the best day you could've asked for?"

I nod,"This is one of the best days of my life."

He questions,"What's another day?"

I tell him,"Getting legally named Mrs.Dahlberg." He chuckles,kissing me again.As I relax on Adam's lap,I rub my stomach contently,happy that I have this baby girl.Ian wraps up Maddison,kissing her lips.I yell jokingly,"KEEP IT PG GUYS!"

Ian shakes his head,"HOW ABOUT YOU GUYS KEEP IT PG TOO?!" Seto looks at Brianna,who is cracking up laughing.Seto and Brianna climb out of the pool,chasing each other around the yard with mud in their hands.

I watch as all our friends have fun,relaxing with each other and talking like they've never been apart.This has been one of the best days ever.

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