Chapter Twelve

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Adam's POV:

I don't want her to be dead.

I just want for her to be okay.

I rest on the couch,her head on my lap.Her eyes are still closed and I don't know if those sparkling brown eyes will greet me again,her light pink lips kiss me again,her small,pale hands hold mine again.There's a knock on the door and Jerome answers it.Alesa stands there,worriedly adjusting her dark blue dress.She asks,"May I come in?I'm a friend of Adam's." Jerome shows her inside and she looks at me.Jerome and Mitch leave,looking between us awkwardly. "Hey Adam.Look,I heard about what's going on with Kailynn and..."

I cut in,"And what?You ruined my relationship with her once..."

She cuts me off,"Which is why I stopped by.Look,I know you care about her deeply.But is there someone you care about more?"

I shake my head,"I love her with half of my heart.The other half belongs to our son."

She continues,"Look,Adam.I know you love her and all.But remember that day?Remember when I pressed my lips to your cheek and you hadn't done anything.I know you're in love with me.You just don't want to admit that to her because you're married."

I deny,"Alesa,I do not love you.I love Kailynn and you need to leave us alone." This is it for her.She presses her lips to mine,basically mouth raping me.I push her away,looking down at Kailynn.She looked like she was sleeping.What happened?Kailynn,I wish you were awake right now.I need you.Kailynn's eyes widen now and she climbs off the couch,glaring at Alesa.

Man,she's pissed.

Kailynn's POV:

I just saw Alesa mouth rape Adam.No way in Hell am I letting this pass me.I get off the couch,glaring at her.Alesa giggles,"Oh,you're awake.I'm so glad you're awake I was so worried I..."

"Shut it,bitch," I cut in. "You have tried to ruin my relationship with Adam one to many times.I suggest you leave before..."

She laughs,"Before what?Before you knit me a sweater?Please!Your a mother now,there's NOTHING you can do.You're so weak,you can't even take a NAP without needing an oxygen tank." That's enough to set me off.I lunge at her,punching her in the face.


Alesa trashes,"Look Adam,she's such a child.She may be a mother,but she acts like a six year old on crack." I look at Adam and he looks down on me,nodding curtly.He lets me go and I kick her in the stomach,punching her.She is launched backwards and I hear stumbling down the steps.

Ian asks,"What's going on?!"

I exclaim,"Get this woman out of our house!" Ian escorts her out with her mumbling some curse words under her breath. 

He questions again,"What happened?Why did you just beat her up?"

I explain,"She had kissed Adam and claimed that I was weak and a child."

Adam adds,"And she is trying to ruin our relationship."

Ian nods,"Look guys,no more answering to Alesa,alright?She's going to ruin all of us if you let her.She's like Dawn.You let her get in your life,she's going to destroy it." I nod lightly,remembering when Dawn had ruined Adam.

.Dawn?Cheating on Adam?That's cold.I walk up to my room as Adam slams his bedroom door shut.He lets out a scream,causing me to worry.I look at his door and finally open it.

It's horrifying.

His bathroom door is open.His arm is dripping blood from cuts he made into the tub full of water.I run to him,clutching his arm.

I look at Adam,fear in my eyes.What if that happens again?What if,this time,he cheats on me with Alesa?I don't want that to happen.I love him so much.He sees my fear and pulls me close,lifting the oxygen mask off my face and kissing me.I kiss back happily then he slides it back on when he sees I can't breathe.Ian sees the struggles we have and switches the oxygen mask to nose plugs.I fix the plugs into my nose,feeling happier with this than the mask.I pick the oxygen bag up,slinging it over my shoulder.

When I look in the mirror,it isn't the girl I recognize before everything happened.Before I got married and had a child,before I got adopted,before I met these men.It isn't her.Now,I see a mother,a wife,a daughter.And she's a warrior.She's gone through so many problems and somehow she's fixed them.She's helped not only herself,but the people around her.

"LET ME AT HER!" she screeches. "SHE'S MY DAUGHTER!"

After being forced to let me go,the man stares in horror as mother brings her belt to my skin,beating me.He shoves her off and yells,"DON'T HURT HER!"


I laugh at the memory,knowing that back then,I didn't know that man would be my father.That the man that helped me away from my mother would save me from hard life.

I slam the door behind me,breathless.A husky voice calls from upstairs,"Jerome?!What was that about?!"

Meeting Quentin for the first time.

Ty narrows his eyes and asks me,"What kind of music do you like?"

I narrow my eyes like him and respond,"Nirvana.Fall Out Boy.Green Day.

Ty smiles,"I like her."

Adam asks,"DO YOU LIKE BUDDER?!"

"HELL YEAH!" I scream.He cheers in victory as I laugh.

"SHE'S A KEEPER!" Adam yells.

My first encounter with Skylox.

After the movie is over,I end up drifting off.They play Mulan for my sake and I lay on my stomach,giving Mitch the blanket to himself.He lies on his stomach too,keeping the blanket around me.I giggle and he takes my hand,intertwining our fingers.

My first crush on one of the guys.

These guys will always be family to me.I love them so much.Adam walks up behind me,wrapping his arms around my waist.He kisses my cheek and I smile.These guys could never be more perfectly imperfect.He whispers to me,"This is us.Our crazy,fucked up family."

I nod,"But hey,I wouldn't want anyone or this anyway else.You know?It's crazy.It seems like just yesterday I met daddy and I moved in.That I fell in love with you."

He nods,"And now look at us.A married couple,a child,Merome is real.What more could we ask for?"

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