Chapter Ten

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After working through the thoughts in my head,I climb out of bed and walk downstairs.Seto lays on the play mat,passed out,along with Juliette.Tanner relaxes in his recliner,a bag of chips resting on his chest which rises up and down peacefully.I go into the kitchen,pouring myself a bowl of cereal.I relax at the table,eating small bites of the Lucky Charms sitting in front of me.Juliette finally steps up by my side and I assume she woke up from my noise.She asks,"Why don't you eat that much?Your so skinny!"

I shrug,"My stomach doesn't hold a lot of food.I've tried gaining weight,and nothing worked." She nods lightly,leaving me alone.She stays in the kitchen while I walk out to Seto,relaxing on the play mat.He stirs in his sleep,opening his eyes slightly to look at me.

His young voice,shaky,exclaims,"Budder."

I ask,"Budder?"

He giggles,"Mommy.Budder." He crawls over to me,flopping into my arms.I laugh,cradling him in my arms.I see Adam walking down the stairs,rubbing his eyes.

I exclaim,"Adam,budder!"

Seto yells,"BUDDER,DADDY!"

Adam's eyes widen and he takes a seat on the play mat.Seto claps happily and Adam grins,"Budder,Seto." Seto's uses magic,which is a budder color,to pick up a bear from across the room,flying it over to him.

Seto's voice,more stable,screams,"BUDDER!!!BUDDERR!!!"

Adam chuckles,"You can tell he's our child.His first words include budder."

I smile,"I know.It's so amazing." I kiss Seto's head and he struggles to get out of my arms,he crawls around,playing with his magic." After a while,we decide to leave.Adam packs up the car and I thank my grandparents for letting us stay with them.I buckle Seto up in the car seat,taking a seat in the back with him.I relax my head on the car seat,drifting off.


When I wake up,I'm laying in my bed,I crawl out of bed and go to my dresser,pulling out a plain white tee shirt and gray sweatpants.I change into them,tying back my hair.I walk across the hall to the baby's room,looking down at Seto.He sleeps so peacefully.I go back to Adam and I's room,going into the recording room.I slide into the desk chair,bringing up Minecraft.I call up Jorge on Skype and we start up a new series called Crash Landing.We play for a couple hours,me filming the entire thing.When we finish,I edit it into parts.I upload the first part,leaning back as it renders.

Jorge asks,"Where have you been?You've kind of been away from YouTube lately."

I sigh,"I've been busy,man.Caring for the baby and shit.Adam tried to give me a break from him but I wasn't able to record in that time."

He notes,"I understand.My wife has been caring for the kid a lot lately,she doesn't have time to chill and relax with me."

I nod,"It's just...I've been trying to relax but it tenses me.Because I feel like I can't leave him alone.And Adam has been watching him sometimes but I get nervous."

Jorge agrees,"It probably is nerve-racking.Do you want me to let you go?"

I breathe,"I'm sorry dood."

He shakes his head,"No,I understand.Bye." I wave and he hangs up.I leave my recording room,walking downstairs to where Adam passed out,the baby on his stomach.But I thought Seto was in his room?Maybe he brought him downstairs.I go to the kitchen,making myself a sandwich and eating it.Sitting down at the table is Ian,sipping coffee quietly.

I squeak,"Hey." He looks up at me as if he hadn't seen me before.

He nods,"Hey.You alright?"

I shrug,"I've been better." He nods lightly,understanding my reasoning.I go out to the living room,lifting Seto off Adam's stomach and into my arms.Seto stirs in his sleep but doesn't wake up.I lay down next to Adam who wraps his arm around me.

Adam breathes,"Darling,you need to stop worrying so much."

I agree,"I know.But being a mother isn't exactly relaxing,you know?I kind of worry all the time.I can't help it.I just want him to be a strong,healthy,baby sorcerer."

He chuckles,"Yeah.It's hard,but sometimes you just need to relax about it.He's going to be okay if you leave him for two days."

I admit,"To be honest,I don't want him to end up like I did with my mother." He raises an eyebrow,signaling for me to continue. "When I was younger,I didn't know my mom.She didn't come into my life until dad got married to her.Yeah,she had me before they were married and...I didn't even know who she was.She was a stranger to me.And when I was twelve she left for three years for rehab."

Adam whispers,"But that's not going to happen baby.Your not a drug addict or alcoholic,and I'm not leaving you for the world.I love you too much to just abandon you with a child.And,your the most beautiful woman I have ever met."

I giggle,"Aw,thanks babe." He grins and plants a kiss on my lips.I snuggle up to his chest and listen to his soft heartbeat,letting it calm my nerves.Seto moves up and down on my stomach as I breathe,curling up on my chest.We could be the picture perfect family.

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