Chapter Sixteen

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Before the casket is lowered completely,there's a knock on the wood.Nobody moves,staring at each other.The casket is brought back up and we watch expectantly.The wood cover over the body seems to be pushed up to the person's full ability.Suddenly,the lib bursts off and there's a person standing there.His mischievous smile greets the faces of the people,and everyone is shocked.I'm the first to do anything.

"MITCH!" I squeal,running up and hugging him.He chuckles,wrapping his arms around me.His sweet cologne is still wafting off his body.I guess the people who put him in the suit didn't want him to smell badly.It was sweet though.I help him step out of the casket,walking him over to Dad.Dad's eyes are filled with tears,staring at Mitch.

Dad whispers,"Is it really you biggums?"

Mitch smiles,"It's me biggums.I promise you." They hug,getting aws from everyone.Mitch hugs his parents and younger brother.HIs step sister Marley looks taken aback to see him there,but hugs him anyway.When he stops hugging them,he looks at the team.How we're all separated from each other,all with our own families.He raises an eyebrow.

I whisper,"They decided to break up the team.I guess we're not the team that I thought we were." Tears reform in my eyes and I look down at Seto,who still seems to be shocked by Mitch's sudden appearance.I let go of Seto's small hand,walking back to the car with sadness in my eyes.I don't even want to discuss this now.It's too much for me to handle.Adam joins me at the car,holding me tightly as he leans against it.I rest my head on his chest and he rests his chin on the top of my head.He rubs my back in circles soothingly and I let out tears that force themselves out my eyes.

I could hear the crunching of rocks under somone's feet and look up to see Jason.His hair has been cut and he's got a lip and ear piercing.He bites his lip and looks at me with sadness in his eyes.Jason asks,"Kailynn,are you okay?"

I sigh,"I'm not okay."

He nods,"Look,it's going to be okay.We're all still friends.I promise you."

I shake my head,"You said that last time.You said you guys would stick together.Through thick and thin.And you didn't.It's all a lie."

Adam sighs,"Baby girl,it's okay.We're gonna stick together through this.I know we will.You won't let us go without recording together."

Jason chuckles,"Yeah."

I nod,"Yes.But who's Seto going to have?You guys are like his uncles.And you're leaving."

Jason agrees,"Yeah,there is Seto."

I squirm out of Adam's arms,looking at Jason.I respond,"Seto looks up to you guys.You're friendship is inspirational.And you're going to break it up?You moved out when we all thought Mitch was dead.We could have used your guys comfort then as well."

Quentin approaches,"We'll be here Kay.I remember when we first met.And I was nice to you then.I won't destroy that friendship now.Never in a lifetime."

I roll my eyes,"But you already broke the friendship." With that,I hop in the car and drive off without them.The walk home isn't that far anyway.

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