Chapter Eight

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When I wake up,I'm laying in my own bed.A post-it note is stuck to my forehead and I remove it,reading the words.

'You fell asleep in the rocker,so I laid you in your bed.Don''t worry,I''m watching the baby.Love you. -Adam <3'

I climb out of bed.I spot my door is closed and use this time to change.I undress,hopping in the shower.I shower with warm water,singing out of habit.I sing,"And I don't want the world to see me,cause I don't think that they'd understand.When everything's meant to be broken.I just want you to know who I am." When I get out of the shower,I dry off and go back into my bedroom.I pull on underwear,slipping into a red,white,and blue checkered flannel and black skinny jeans that are a bit baggy.I use a brown belt to hold up my pants.I put on a ring that my daddy had gotten me for my seventeenth birthday.I smile lightly,looking at my image in the mirror.I brush out my hair,blow drying it.I put on a black beanie and walk back over to the baby's room.

Adam rubs my back as I lean over the crib.He whispers,"Maybe we should make a vlog for your channel,since your fans are kind of worried." I nod lightly and lift the baby out of the crib,going into the recording room with him.He sets up the camera so it films us and I sigh,ready to talk to my fans.

I introduce,"Hey guys,It's Kay here with Sky.We have a special guest though." I lift up the baby,showing him to the camera. "This is Seto,our son.So,yes,I gave birth over the week and that's why you haven't been getting videos.I hadn't rendered any videos for you because,I didn't expect to go into labor so soon.I expected at least three more weeks but he came out early."

Adam takes over,"So,his birthday is March seventh.And when we had him,all the guys were there." 

I ask,"We?I don't think you went through hours of painful child labor."

He laughs,"No,I didn't.When Kailynn had him,I should say."

I laugh lightly,"So we're going to get back to making videos as soon as we can.I have been tired as heck lately.It's been a crazy week,to say the least.As soon as we got back form Hawaii,we went to the doctor and he said four weeks for the baby to come.Adam and I had the wedding the week after.And the day after,we had the baby."

Adam speaks,"We'll try to get videos out for you guys.We're really trying.Leave comments to tell us what games you want to see.This has been Sky."

I chime in,"And Kay."

He grins,"And we'll see you later recruits." He stops filming and uploads the video after editing a bit.He puts the thumbnail and I stand,rocking the baby on our way back to the crib.I lay him in the crib,smiling lightly.His eyes open slightly and he begins to cry.I take him out of the crib,feeding him.When I'm done,I burp him.He still cries,so I change his diaper.When I remove the diaper,the horrible stench hits my nose.

"Adam," I call. "Someone made a stinky!" He makes his way out to me and I hand the diaper to him.He scrunches his nose but throws it away.I clean Seto up and put him in a new diaper.I show him how to do a simple levitation spell and he continually tries to get it right.At one point,he even gets the teddy bear sitting on his dresser to float in the air for a little before dropping it.I applaud and he laughs,clapping his hands together.He levitates the teddy again,pulling it towards him.He hugs the teddy tightly,laughing.

Adam smiles,"Looks like he's going to be a great sorcerer.Just like his mommy is the best sorceress."

The bedroom to Seto's room opens and Kaelin is standing there.She looks at Seto then smiles at me,whispering,"It's my baby nephew.I'm an auntie.This is amazing." 

I tell Seto,"Show Auntie Kk what mommy taught you." He looks at me puzzled before using magic to levitate a Jeffrey plushie towards him.Kaelin laughs,clapping for him.She tells me she can watch him while I work and I thank her,going into my office.I scroll the YouTube,looking at fan animations.I smile,watching one by AutumnRayn about Martin being gay and European.I tweet it at him.When I finish scrolling through the animations,I set to work on a new video.I log into the Nexus and Skype The Bahm Crew.They agree to play Build My Thing with me and we go into the game.

Zach introduces,"Hey,what is going on guys,Mr.Aviator here with Steve,Tyson,Burt,and Kailynn.Today we're playing Build My thing."

Steve warns,"I just wanna warn you guys that I'm a horrible builder.Ask Sparkle Shorts." Hearing of Jordan makes me freeze,staring at the screen.I don't know what else to do.He makes me freeze up all the time,seeing as he was an abusive boyfriend.He always got infuriated when I talked to other guys and beat me for it.I don't say anything for a little,just focusing on the game now.Nobody knew that side of Jordan and I's relationship,nobody even knew it was a thing.And the only person I told about the relationship with Jordan is Adam,which I left out the abusive part.

Tyson calls,"EARTH TO LYNN!"

I question,"Huh?"

Zach repeats,"I asked if you planned to go to Vidcon this weekend."

I blankly tell them,"Oh,uh.Well I don't plan to.I gotta watch the baby and..."

Zach cheers,"Hailyee could watch him!"

I shake my head,"I feel like I'd be asking to much.And the woman barely even knows me."

Steve contradicts,"You spent Christmas with us!You know her so well!You got her the present that she uses the most!I'm sure she would be happy to watch Seto."

I roll my eyes,"Alright.I'll think about it.I don't even have tickets."

Tyson scoffs,"Adam said that he got tickets for you and him,but he didn't ask you about going.And Hailyee had said that she would watch the baby for you guys,which is why Zach brought up Hailyee watching him."

I scoff,"Oh really?He didn't even tell me he bought tickets."

Zach sings,"Awwkwarddd."

The game finished and I win.I stop recording once Tyson does the outro and I set to editing.I make my thumbnail and render the video.While it renders,I lean back in the comfy desk chair.The door to my recording room opens and I turn to see Adam.He smiles,"Hey baby girl.You alright?"

I ask,"When did you plan to tell me that you got Vidcon tickets for you and I?"

Going bright red,he drawls,"Well...uh...I wanted to tell you but I didn't get around to it.And then we had the baby so I didn't plan on telling you because I knew you'd tell me that you have to watch Seto."

I cross my arms over my chest and tell him,"Hailyee is watching Seto,as a matter of fact.She had offered,which I feel horrible for having her watch him.You should have told me about Vidcon though."

He kneels in fornt of me,taking my hands.He apologizes,"Sweetie,I am so sorry I didn't tell you.I should have told you and I didn't,which was very stupid of me.Forgive me?" I wrap my arms around him,kissing his cheek.

I giggle,"Apology accepted."

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