Chapter 17: monster- in law

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I decided to go to the mall and started buying CJ more clothes and a few toys  once I was done doing that I went into some other stores buying stuff for myself and for Chris i obviously had too many bags I could carry but that didn't stop me
"kelis? "oh hi chad "uh can I give you a hand with Those ? you look like your going to hurt yourself "

He took some of the bags from me and I was honestly relieved

"why are you here by your self? "oh well Chris is at home finishing up the nursery and he didn't wanna leave the people in the house and I needed to get out the house while they worked and ameila couldn't come bc she's undergoing a punishment so I'm by my self today well besides you coming  along to help me "I'm going to be honest I only came because I overheard that you were going to be attacked today while you were out "who would want to do that?!"my mother I don't know what the history is between y'all but she's out to get you "it's not even between us it's between her and my uncle , she tried to get him to have an affair and leave his wife and he wouldn't so in jealousy she killed my aunt and one of my cousins in a car accident my other cousin and my uncle moved and no one knows where to but we'll get random post cards from all over but that's about it "dam "'s not much proof but I know in my heart she killed them and that's what she's trying to do to me ... fucking monster-in-law"what do you mean? "I believe your mother is trying to get rid of me and now that I'm pregnant the best way to try and do is it to attack my baby I've had random people come up to me trying to touch my stomach with some type of stuff on they hands ,she switched my doctor and tried to have me injected with cocaine in my stomach your mother is just out to get me "
"what the hell does Chris know?"he knows but it's hard to prove anything she covers her tracks I'm not crazy I know I'm not I just have a really bad feeling about coming to your house next week to meet everyone "I put it off until you have CJ I don't wanna put your or my nephew at risk I actually like you you haven't done nothing wrong to me or my brother and despite we might have our differences you bring out the best in him . Look I'll drive you home just to be in the safe side with your car and when we get there I'll have Chris send someone to take your car to our guy and have him look it over to make sure nothing became magically wrong while you were here today "
"thanks so much "

We got in his car and drove home when we got there Chris car and his mothers car was in the drive way I rolled my eyes and grabbed some bags while chad grabbed the rest and walked in

"baby? I'm back !! "oh thank you lord! Are you okay babe ? How's CJ is he okay? "I'm fine I'm fine what's wrong ? "my mother told me you had an accident "she probably would have if she had gotten in her car huh mother"I have no clue what your talking about Chadwick "
"I can't keep doing this . This is too much my baby is at risk and your being super selfish hase . You don't like me over my uncle not wanting you it's not my fault okay just leave me and my child alone ! "girl fuck you and your uncle no one is worried about that man. And trust me if I wanted you and that bastardized child dead you will be ! Chris you need to choose and you need to do it now. Either me your mother or this gold digging drug addict! "I've been clean for 4 years ! You should know this you worked at the rehab center I was at!! And you if all people should know I'm not with Chris for his money! I didn't even know who he truly was until I came in for that dam job interview! So fuck you bitch !! "

My stomach automatically started hurting after all that yelling and I doubled over in pain while Chris and chad ran to my side

"babe breath relax ! Chad grab the inhaler out of my safe please "what the hell does she need an inhaler for that's new. "if you must know mother your grand son has a tiny whole in one of his lungs and when ever kelis get worked up or upset it triggers him having an asthma attack which triggers kelis asthma "here "
"thank you here baby breath deep breaths relax there you go "

I slowly felt myself feel better

"I'm so sorry I'm sorry " I said and started to silently cry . " it's okay babe let it go I'm not mad at you your under slot of unnecessary stress can you stand? "

I just nod my head I'm so disappointed in myself hurting my baby

"good I want you to go upstairs and take a bath I'll come in there in a few minutes okay? "okay

I get up and make my way up to our room and go in the bathroom

Chris pov

I looked at my mother with so much disbelief

"well I'm glad the dramatics are over "get out "
"excuse me ? "get out of my house . Don't ever come back. And stay the hell away from my wife and my son . If you try to attack her, offend her , or stress her out in any fucking way your going to wish you swallowed the nut that created me ! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR ?! "....I- uh- I'm sorry son I just wanted to make you happy "I am happy is what you fail to see . Maybe you should rethink all the things you've done this why my father left you this is why I moved out and don't tell you about my life this is why chad doesn't have a stable women to being around you because you do crazy shit like this ! So what if kelis had problems back in before she met me ! Everyone has had shit that they have done or that they have been through that they aren't talking about and you just can't let her past go can you but now I under why Bc if you let it go that means your letting go what you felt should if happen between her uncle and you but maybe you need to!!! "

I looked at my mother and for the first time in years she actually looked like the woman that gave birth to me . I looked at my brother and he was just as upset as I was

"please just -just leave so I can tend to my wife please "I'm so sorry Chris...I didn't mean to hurt you "

She grabbed her bags and left and chad left after her licking the doors behind him I went upstairs and checked on my wife and she was half sleep sitting in the tub I washed her up took her out dryed her off and laid her in the bed I climbed in behind her and pulled her too me and slow drifted off to sleep


-Olivia🩰// edited❤️‍🔥

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